
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

How Cool is This?

I have been searching for a Logo for a while and someone my son works with came up with the one you can now see on here. I didn't want my whole name as I don't sign my full name on paintings so wanted a logo which just contained my initials.

What is cool about this logo is that we can change the colours according to the painting so on "My new Business Cards" I have a painting on one side and on the other are all my details with colours on the logo to match the painting!!!

It also means if I do any postcards or flyers etc they can all have the logo to match the painting which will give everything I get printed a feel of individuality.

So my first business cards have two designs the new poppy painting and the Boxing Hares all with handbag..... I mean logo, to match... am such a girl!!! Was going to attach some to show you but the file isn't compatible here.. will see what I can do as I am really delighted with them and you can rest assured I will be leaving a trail of them wherever I go!!

A quick update, my kitchen is finished, being decorated today and hopefully the flooring will be here in a couple of weeks.... am delighted with it, it looks really smart and am dying to get it all finished now. I have taken some more paintings to a sort of cafe/residential venue for outdoor pursuits so decided to take some more of the animal paintings there, goldfinch, nuthatch, pelican, owl, cockerels and lamb... and I have taken two paintings for selection at an exhibition in Ormskirk, and applying for Minthorpe at the weekend. By the way this is going I will hardly have any paintings left here...I will have about 20 framed and 8 mounted out on display somewhere so better than having them stuck in a box!!

Need to get painting a few more but have been short of time recently, once the kitchen is finished things will settle..... oh and nearly forgot, am doing my second demo at Bolton Art Circle tonight.... am stepping in for someone who has had to cancel so am really looking forward to that!!

My two workshops are both almost full... just two places left on the second one!! I never expected that when we started off advertising them, I thought it would have been amazing to fill one, and then the first one filled up and I thought "hmmm maybe I should try and fill the second, I could run it with a smaller number... doesn't need to be full" so I started concentrating on filling it and now I have 8 people on that one too!! Am really excited about them, the first is next Monday so will let you know how it goes!!

Think that's all for now... seems like a lot is going on as I read this back....but all good and seems to be just happening around me with opportunities popping up from all directions, I never know what is going to happen next which can only be a good thing!!


  1. Love the logo design - very simple and classy.

    Do you sign your name on the back of your paintings or attach a label/card? If not, perhaps you could lose out on business if people don't know who the artist is? I've had enquiries/sales from people who have taken my name from artwork they've seen (and I've signed) in the past?

  2. Hi Sue, yes I have had some of those little gold labels printed so although they don't have my website on they do have all contact details... anyway I stick one of those to the back of each painting so hopefully not missing out anywhere!!Delighted you like the logo... it is really versatile and gives everything a sort of identity...

  3. It's such a clever idea. I love the thought of it being the paintings handbag :)

    Hope the workshops were as much fun as you hoped - am sure they were.


Would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit my blog, why not leave me a message then I know you've popped by!! If you have any enquiries please send me an e-mail to