
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Paintings from Lopud Island

I have done these since we came home from holiday and my main brief for them was to capture the light as the days these photos were taken were bathed in that magnificent European (was going to say Mediterranean and then realised we weren't in the med!!) sunlight, some of which we are experiencing here in the UK at the moment!! You may remember from a previous blog the weather was a touch disappointing while we were there but certainly making up for it here now!!

The island was a beautiful place to be, quiet and tranquil and though not greatly inhabited had something like 13 churches, one of which is at the top of this painting. Am not sure if this couldn't do with a couple of people on it walking up towards the church... might try painting some on a piece of clear plastic and seeing how they look

The island has a sweeping bay...and as there are no motorised vehicles, bikes are a major form of transport for the islanders which is what the next painting is all about... lots of lovely doorways, beautiful stone properties (I don't know if I imagine it but the stonework in this area of the world seems to have a pinky cast to it and is quite magical)

I have quite few more photos I want to have a go at which is lovely as each time I try one it brings back lovely memories of a simply beautiful place... check out my previous blog for some more photos
Lopud Island


  1. Replies
    1. They are Polly, and have a few more to do yet.. I always take lots of photos with a view to painting them so very few pics of us in my holiday snaps!!! When I get home I never know which ones to try or which will work so all trial and error then!!

  2. Beautiful. Love the bike - how nice it must be to have no cars racing everywhere.

    1. It was wonderful Carmen, so tranquil and nowhere for supplies either... the islanders catch the early morning ferry (6.20) for the one hour journey to Dubrovnic with their suitcases to stock up!! There are a few restaurants and bars, a small souvenir shop, ice cream parlour and patisserie but nowhere to buy regular provisions such as bread, eggs, milk, meat, veg yet there are quite a few inhabitants... other provisions are delivered by boat to the hotel and presumably to the other eating places but a completely different way of life to anything we might know or contemplate!!

  3. Nice Judith but I agree a couple of figures would really top off your scene

    1. Yes thanks Lorraine, will look at the figures, think you are right....

  4. Het ziet er heel mooi uit vooral die van de fiets lieve groetjes Danielle

  5. Thanks Danielle...bikes are quite tricky to draw so tried to keep it loose and just give an impression.

  6. Love the bike! A great way to remember a holiday!


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