
Thursday, 27 June 2013

New Website

Got my heart in my mouth here and have been sitting on this for a few hours mulling over when I should actually publicise the completion of my new website... have just got to figure out a way to get people back to the website from the blog as the blog is from an external source to the website ....... a minor detail for a technophobe who has managed to get to this stage with only a little bit of help from son no 2!!!

Some of you may remember I had a false start with a website many months ago and it never properly got off the ground.. I found it difficult to administer and to be fair wasn't given much training to help me so this is a free, idiot friendly site built on Weebly which I have found to be quite simple and could recommend to any of you who are contemplating a website, am absolutely convinced if I can do it anyone can... bit like painting really!!!

I am excited about this and can now go on to get some business cards and other literature and can feel proud to direct people to it. I haven't been able to get business cards until it was sorted and I am finding more and more that I need something to leave with people rather than keep scribbling things down on a piece of paper ..... not very professional!!!  So here it is... hope you all like and please leave me a message to let me know what you think... as many of you will know I welcome constructive feedback, good or bad!!!

My business name is Art by Judith Farnworth and here is the website

My new Website


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ...looks very professional judith well done ...all the best with your new web site .

  3. Will certainly check it out, good luck with it.

    1. Thanks Polly am pleased with it but was beginning to need it as well... my son is getting on to the business cards so they will be good!!

  4. Thanks Jane Business cards and postcards next!!

  5. Had a look Judith and you have done a good job with everything all tying in (blog, logo, website)

    1. That's what I wanted Lorraine and have had the logo for a while now just needed to get the website done so I could incorporate it all... just on with the other bits and pieces now.

  6. Well done judith. It looks great. Love your JF logo. The pics were slow to load but might just be me. Bx

    1. Yes am really happy with the logo and the colours can be changed so that when I do flyers, postcards, business cards etc the individual parts of it can colour co-ordinate to the particular paintings I am using... how cool is that?? Only a little detail but adds to the artistic feel I think. Will check on the loading B thanks for that.

  7. It's looking good. Really professional - I like how you've done that logo - when I clicked on the blog link to come back it feels like you are on the same site - it flows really well.

    1. Thanks Carmen...have had the logo for a while.... a frined of my son designed it and haven't had anywhere to put it until now!! The idea is I can change the colours in the individual elements of the logo(every bit can be a different colour) to match different paintings so if I need to do a flyer or a postcard I can get them done with different colours to match the painting.. clever eh?

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