
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Did these for our studies and exercises in the Loose Group on PMP

Paint my Photo

The first is better in my opinion and I didn't draw that...... seems more spontaneous. Had a problem with these bananas, wanted to paint from life so bought a bunch then ate them!!!!! Painting food isn't good for me, wouldn't be too tempted with onions or garlic but quite like bananas so note to self for next time choose something I don't really like!!!!

Still need to get looser with these, need to lose a bit more control with more lost edges so will work on that. These quick studies are so good for working out how to do something.... when working loose we are trying to portray something with the minimum amount of detail.... creating symbols for things so that the viewer can still see what the subject is, while maintaining an element of mystery about the piece and that is where the skill lies........ how to portray a subject without the detail but still conveying just enough to let the viewer understand what they are looking at..... hmmmmm??????

Any ideas on a postcard.........!!!!!


  1. I know you are a JH fan. If you have a look at her latest painting of a pheasant you will find your answer there.
    There is no form whatsoever. The work has been executed very loose, but there is no outline of a bird. We still know that it is a pheasant though.

  2. Brilliant work there! I love all your paintings. Also an excellent review of Jean Haines' book. I think we have interacted before on IDP (pardon me if I am mistaken). Glad to follow your blog. Please keep the paintings coming.
    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Vinayak.... no you aren't mistaken, how are you? Are you doing much painting? Lovely to hear from you!!!

    Seen the pheasant Brian, always looks so easy when she does them..... but with her latest book who knows.... might just get there (wherever there is!!!)


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