
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Atmospheric Watercolours by Jean Haines (and sleepless nights!!!)

Well haven't finished it yet but am savouring every page!!!! It's stopped me eating and sleeping a good thing maybe???

Haven't done a book review before (and after reading this you may think "hope she never does one again!!!!") and maybe I should wait until it's finished but am just a lot excited about this one!!!!! It is full of Jean's secrets written in her own easy, inimitable, encouraging way, as if she is talking intimately to you, the reader. She shares moments and memories of her past..... a lovely insight into the Jean we don't get to hear about.....

I have done the first few exercises in the book following just what she did and guess what?????? They turned out and I think the penny might finally be dropping. If any of you have been lucky enough to either see Jean demonstrate or go to a workshop, she makes things look so easy.... well we all know it isn't... right????

Easy comes from years of practice, experience and desire, but.... and this is what I really want to share, this book opens the door and certainly for me has given me those all so sought after glimpses of what I'm looking for...... that's why I was so excited about it and apart from everything else, retiring, exhibition on Saturday, holiday next Wednesday etc etc....... well you can now understand why I couldn't sleep. I said to my husband at 3:30 I think I might get up... he said "What are you going to do.... paint?" Of course I said no....... hmmmm thought she indignantly does he really think I was going to get up and paint at 3;30 in the morning, how ridiculous!!!!!! Am beginning to think he knows me too well  (note to self... need to become more mysterious!!!)

So hope to read and reread more today and the next weeks and months of course, I think Jean was wise to have this published in hardback as I think it will become one of those "bible" sort of books which in paperback may become too worn!!!  Am sorry for those of you who have to wait for a copy, it will be worth the wait I promise!!! Will keep you updated and maybe write another review when I have had more chance to work through and digest... it is a treat for sure.  I normally like to flick through books before I buy but I had faith that this one would be what I was looking for and it is ...... in bucket loads!!!!!! It is a book full of hope, colour and life and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!!


  1. Hope you do decide to do more reviews as I certainly enjoyed reading this one. I'm going to Jean's Wey Gallery Exhibition in Godalming on Sunday and I'm excited that I'm going to meet the talented lady herself hopefully. Let's face it Judith we are just Jean Haines' Groupies... lol

    1. So jealous! That used to be my old stomping ground..I used to work for the WWF (thats wildlife and not wrestling) in Godalming. But of course anytime that I would be in that area there would be no exhibition. C'est la vie! Still hoping that JH will come here to do a workshop and ordering the book today and loved the review Judith! Bx

  2. Oooh lucky you.... it's all a bit too far for me just for the day, but would love to see one of her exhibitions. Glad you liked the blog, the publishers have asked me to do some more for them!!

  3. nice review Judith! I am now very curious! I love Jeans work and yours too and I like the way you write even on PMP! between the two of you, you keep me inspired to paint.

  4. Judith, wonderful review, and I know that if it comes from you, it is an accurate appraisal. I am patiently waiting for it to be released here in the USA. JH seems to be one of the few artists who will actually divulge secrets. And her follow through with her exercises is outstanding.
    I bet you did get up to paint!

  5. Love the review Judith and, could you tell, Jean is thrilled to bits! Sounds like you got a new gig from the publisher.....awesome. It will be a pleasure to see reviews from someone whose art you know and has a gift of conveying their thoughts and feelings about a subject which is so dear to us art addicts.

  6. Well done Judith! I see you have had a great revieŵ on your review. Excellent! Is this another string to your bow, I wonder?

  7. Thank you all for your support and encouragement, am glad you all liked the review, in truth I only did it because the book really is excellent, let me know if you would like the book Nisha and Nanette there is a company in the UK shipping world wide for free, Jean has left a link for it on FB.

    Who knows what will happen with the publisher.... one day at a time but exciting stuff nevertheless!!! And no I didn't actually get up to paint Susan, would have been really in the doghouse had I done that!!!

  8. Loved this review, I've just got the book myself and can fully agree with what you've said :D


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