
Saturday, 19 May 2012

Crazy Holly

Have been working on this today.... my hubby said do some fiery colours!!!! I have actually bought some new colours, some fiery ones amongst them and as you know from my last blog I wanted to do something different with the sea holly as I was getting a bit fed up with the same colours but wanted to try a new composition. I was concerned that it would just look odd and maybe it does but I actually quite like it!! It hasn't photographed terribly well........ the colours are a bit more vibrant and there is more texture than shows up on here but I do like the colours and I think the composition works, decided to do this landscape and got a bit lost with the fronds but that is one beauty of painting loose, it doesn't always matter if some of the details "disappears."

Am not sure this is finished but will leave it a day or two and see what I think and of course if any of you reading this see anything please feel free to let me know

I think I will frame this in black, and maybe take to the exhibition on Saturday..... might try yet another combination using more complimentary colours, rather than these harmonious ones, so need to work out a new composition now as well..... I don't feel I have finished with the sea holly yet and I can't tell you what a useful exercise it has been to do all these different studies, I have got to know the subject so much better and I have more idea how to paint the flower so that I can now concentrate on the other aspects of the piece.

I think I will do this a lot more from now on, explore different subjects, find my way around them try out different compositions and colours.


  1. The colors are stunning Judith!

  2. Thanks Karen, have mounted it with a double back and cream and put in a black frame and quite like how it's turned out, will be taking it to the next exhibition on Saturday!!

  3. The colours in this one are simply gorgeous, Judith - all that "study" and practice with the sea holly are producing great results. Good luck with the next exhibition (maybe it has happened already?)


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