
Saturday, 19 May 2012

This is my third try at the Sea holly , the second might have to bite the dust, though I am still working on it!!! I am trying a few different compositions so have started using a sketch book to get some ideas and this one evolved,. I like this composition and I do like the extra texture, check out my first go at these, then you can compare and see which you like best. The first one is much smoother and though I think it does look better in real life and of course framed,  I definitely prefer this one.

First blog

Now another question...... have done 3 of these all with the same colour scheme so for the time being although  I want to try other compositions am thinking of trying another palette. I know I am all for using imaginative colour schemes but have never seen sea holly anything other than varying shades of blue, purple and sometimes white and not sure whether it will just look silly so what colours do you think I might be able to do this in without it looking daft.......alternatively I might have to try and find another flower which has this sort of look........... any ideas?


  1. Beautiful piece Judith. Turn it upside down and see how great the flow is that way. (Ignore the subject) Happy painting girl!

  2. Funny you should ask.....I just this morning saw a flower on PMP that was posted yesterday by Kathy Detweiler titled West Va Botanical Gardens. I immediately thought "this one is for Judith". Much the same colors but more intense in hue. Love this one by th way. Looks great with the textures. Your work has taken on a whole new dimension.

  3. Liked it Susan..... I think I would like to do some abstracts and now I've got some of the techniques going a bit better, maybe that's another direction to go in?

    Thanks Nanette checked it out, we have those flowers in our garden they're a type of cornflower I think... grow like mad but very pretty and last all Summer, just coming into flower now, am glad you like the painting am learning to build them up now which is probably why you think I have moved on. I am beginning to think a lot of paintings were unfinished, I just never knew what else to do with them!!


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