
Saturday, 10 January 2015

New Year, new workshops, new paintings....

I have been working on a few things this week both for my next set of workshops and for myself too and I have painted this bluebell wood several times, trying to work our first how to paint it and second how to teach it... not sure I am quite there with it yet but one thing you cannot accuse my work of is subtle! Me and subtle just can't seem to make an acquaintance... I look longingly at other watercolourists who produce such gentle and yes subtle work and then I go and do one like this!!!

I do like the colours but always feel compelled to punch things up with some rich darks and maybe that is my style and for me this painting is about light so I hope I have captured that... anyway not sure if this is the piece I will go with or if I will decide to have another stab at it....I do know that really working on a subject can help iron out all the problems but I think this is my fourth go (I did it about a year ago as well and wasn't very happy with it then either so decide to leave it) so am feeling a bit painted out with it....

Have also been working on a couple of snow scenes, again as exercises to work out ways of teaching it and am thinking this particular scene (just a sletch) has too  many trees to be an easy subject...needs a bit more yellow dotted around too.....but I have lots of snow images which don't need to be as busy so will rethink this one....

Lots more practice to do this time of year I always like to have a go at snowdrops... I already have a wash waiting for me and we have some lovely rich deep purple Christmas roses in the garden which I intend to try this year and I also have an amaryllis sprouting as I write and as you can almost see them grow am hoping it won't be too long before I have something to paint there. I love snow scenes too and often do the same scene several times but with different palettes, so not short of subjects at the moment,... time maybe!!


  1. I love your darks Judith but often when we think it looks too heavy it's not the darks that's the issue but probably that not enough light was left in the first pass.

    1. Agree Lorraine and I did try and lift at the end of the path but maybe not enough... I don't really like lifting as it spoils the spontaneity so it may be back to the drawing board again!!

  2. I do love your determination. Not undaunted you solder on and achieve paintings with striking light and full of rich colour. I read your wedding blog and tried to comment but wouldn't accept it. So may I say I felt I was part of the day, and thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. That's me a least were painting is concerned.. dogged determination!! Not wanting to be beaten I will do this bluebell wood!!

      And thanks for your comments re the wedding... it was truly one of the best days of our lives and am so pleased you felt a little of it from the blog....

  3. I love the purple popping through in that first painting, reminds me of a field of violets!

    1. Thank you very much!! I have to say I do love purple in a painting!!


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