
Friday, 16 January 2015

Losing my Way?

I have done a bit of painting recently and been really unhappy with it... for some reason the colours haven't been right and I think it is because I have lost my way with colour and have been veering towards more realistic idea why and so this afternoon I have gone back to my colour planets and guess what, am much happier with the result.

So what has been going on? Frankly I have no idea... maybe I have been getting lazy or complacent thinking each painting is just going to happen, well it hasn't been happening and I think it is because I have stopped playing with colour so for this piece I went back to basics, did a bit of colour mixing before I started and as I said I am happier.

Some of you will know from way back that trees and all those masses of foliage were my nemesis so I am constantly challenging myself to somehow get them right and I am nowhere near as "scared" of them as I once was and  no longer feel the need to avoid them. This is a painting I did in Brusho not long ago but wanted to try in watercolour. It is a property opposite Rivington Church and very close to the village which just pokes out of the foliage...I often take photos while we are walking the dog of possible images to paint and as they are generally landscapes ( my current nemesis), I have been avoiding them like the plague... but buildings and streetscapes (another nemesis... how many more do I need!!)... well I have been working on them and making a bit of progress... I prefer the watercolour to my Brusho version, here...

So I will be interested to hear what you think..I think the watercolour is more subtle and a better painting but I did take more time over it and gave it a lot more thought!!

A very limited palette

Alizarin Crimson
Cad Yellow
Burnt Sienna
May Green


  1. As I said on Fb I like the watercolour version. in regard to losing your way I am sure it is just one of those short term hiccups we are meNt to have to mKe sure we keep ourselves in check and not get too fR ahead of ourselves in the art journey. One decent painting behind you and you sigh with relief that your back on track, as someone once said to me it's a dance of two steps forward, one back forever!

  2. I agree Lorraine and sometimes I think the substandard pieces are what prepares us for the next batch of more successful ones... learning what not to do and what doesn't work is sometimes an even better lesson than knowing what works!!

  3. I like both versions of your landscape, Judith. The brusho is more whimsical, and the watercolour version more typically an English countryside. Also, I was looking at the wedding photos, and they are lovely, a very handsome couple.

    1. Thank you Bindi and for the lovely compliments about the wedding... they truly are a lovely couple and they have been overwhelmed by all the kindness and good wishes shown to them!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your darker shadows in the foreground of the watercolor makes the painting sing more. And there is more depth of field with regards the house. I do prefer the watercolor.

    1. Thanks Jean.. I also prefer the watercolour it seemed to go right form the start.. I think I may have another go at the Brusho piece as this one doesn't do the medium justice..

  6. I like both versions - I think the Brusho one would be really at home illustrating a fairy story and the watercolour one is more delicate and yet stronger as well. The house looks more solid where the other one looks like it could start dancing at any moment :)

    I agree that we have to make mistakes to keep getting better - I'm finally starting to realise that ;)


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