
Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Running my First ever Brusho Workshop!!

Lodge Artists in Chorley contacted me a few months ago to ask if I would lead an all day Brusho workshop for them... they had bought Joanne's Dvd and were keen to do more... some had tried it out others were "virgins" but all raring to go!!

I have to admit I was a little anxious as Brusho has a mind of it's own and I was hoping I would have the courage to go with the flow as Joanne has taught me!! I have been waiting to add this post as some of the ladies from the group had taken photos for me and I received them yesterday. I was so cross with myself as I had forgotten my lovely new camera... no excuses really except that I had so much "stuff" to remember, I even made myself a list!! The camera was there on the side just waiting to be picked up and of course I rushed out without it!!

I had done some practices of what I thought we could do, though I have Joanne's DVD I felt it was only right to do my own exercises so after I had shown them some of the ways to use the product we dived in and started a floral... this was the one I was aiming for and one I had done earlier.

I had taken lots of floral images and was delighted to see the group embrace my philosophy of applying the techniques to their own paintings and I was so impressed by what they did!!

These are just a few of the vast selection of Brusho paintings, as you can see not all finished but all looking very promising!!

This took us through the morning session and in the afternoon I did want us all to have a go at the same image as I was showing more techniques on this.... again I was blown away by the efforts, I always encourage people to choose their own colours especially when we are all doing the same image... colour choice is one way someone can inject that little bit of themselves into something and I like it when people create something quite different to mine. Not difficult with Brusho by the way!! This was the image we were painting

A photo I took about 5 years ago of a delightful cottage in the Lake district and here is the painting I had done to show them the sort of thing we were aiming for

I didn't get chance to finish either of my paintings during the session but am pleased to say they were looking ok and when I get chance I will go back and complete them.

About 15 minutes before we finished, Polly who organised the session suggested we had a small showing of all the paintings.. this was such a good idea as I had no idea how much work they had all produced on the day and how really good it all was..... seeing it altogether gave such impact and I have to say there wasn't a bad piece to be seen.. as you might imagine we were all hugely delighted (some of us also relieved!!).

Here is a selection of what was on display

As you can see great variety and hopefully lots of tips, skills and techniques taken away for the group to use in the future if they decide to have another go and for me..... a great time and what I hope was a very successful session!!

Don't forget for anyone who wants access to the tips and secrets of Brusho, Joanne's DVD and book are available to purchase here


  1. looks like a lot of people would have gone home very happy with their day at your workshop Judith

    1. Do you know Lorraine I think they did! And none happier than me to see how well they had done!!

  2. Hope you enjoyed it as much as they obviously did. Well done you. Your brusho enthusiasm will have guided them along their brusho journey. Brusho converts!

    1. I did enjoy it bit as much Polly... it doesn't seem right this is work and I enjoy it all so much!! Very lucky girl!!

  3. Looks like your workshop was a GREAT success Judith! Well done.

    1. I think it was a success Tom... time you did one on Brusho!!

  4. So proud of you and how accomplished you have become. I wish I were there to learn from you and enjoy your encouragement and enthusiasim. You go girl!

    1. Your comments always delight me Susan as you have been with me for so long.. you always saw something and had faith in me when I didn't and I thank you for that!! I wish you were here for us to paint together too!!

  5. Wat zitten er mooie kleuren verscheidenheid tussen zeg erg mooi lieve groetjes Danielle

    1. The Brusho colours really are fantastic Danielle... you should try them!!

  6. So much COLOUR! Looks like fun was had by all Judith. I especially love the houses!

    1. Thanks Carmen.... I liked the houses and they were all so different which is what I like too... always like people to put a bit of themselves into my workshops!!

  7. Wonderful to see Judith - your enthusiasm just bursts out of the monitor at me!!! I can imagine a great atmosphere at your workshops and you're going from strength to strength!!!

  8. It isn't hard to be so enthusiastic Sharon when I just love every minute!! I like to think everyone enjoys and we do all seem to have a good time so the atmosphere just seems to happen!!

  9. Wow, Judith! You're really an inspiration to me. I hope to one day be able to do workshops and teach art classes like this. I've never heard of Brusho before. I might have to try it one day to see if it would be the type of medium I could apply to my portraits.

    1. Lodge Artists Society, Chorley26 March 2014 at 10:27

      Hi! Judith, sorry it has taken this long to get back to you. We all had a great time, there are photos on our notice board, also going around the emails.
      There are a lot of brusho pictures going into our exhibitions I am sure.Thanks once again for a super workshop. Regards Polly.

    2. Thanks Michelle... the workshops are really amazing and I love doing them!! I did the first one with my own art group when the lady who ran the sessions said she liked the way I painted and would I run one for them.... it went really well but more importantly gave me the confidence to contact one or two other groups... if you belong to a group why not work towards doing a session for them and testing the water? Why not give the Brush a try on your portraits... nothing to lose!!

    3. That's what I've noticed about art and life. If you want to do something, you just have to go for it, and the more you do it the better you get at it. Workshops are something I plan on working towards, for sure.

  10. Hi Polly... lovely to hear from you and so pleased to get the positive feedback. I enjoyed the day too and loved the fact that so much good work was done.... was a treat to see!!


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