
Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Busy Times

My blog is quiet at the moment... I always knew it would be like this in March as I have a lot of workshops booked and so have had a lot of preparation to complete especially for the all day beginners session at Mazart Studio on Friday.

In the meantime this is a little study I have had on my "to do" list. I seem to like back views and this is such a lovely image, taken from a photo by Max Hemingway. I wanted to keep a fairly limited palette and this is just UB, Burnt Sienna and Alizarin Crimson. Not such a loose watercolour....... I did draw this as I wanted to make sure the figures were in the right proportions and I have made use of the "halo" effect which helps highlight around the figures and accentuates the light and dark. I don't know if the bg works on this... I wonder whether they need to be going somewhere instead of into a big black hole of darkness!!! Will leave you to decide!!


  1. Judith - I love the feel of this painting...the halo effect is very nice...sometimes just keeping it simple states so well what one is trying to say. Have a great March and try to relax in between all your work.

    1. Thanks Debbie.. I did want to keep it simple and might try Jean's suggestion below to see how that works too... got a workshop each day for the next 5 days now including 2 all day sessions so extra busy this week!!

  2. I love this painting and the mystery surrounding it. The background really suits the walkers and sets them off. Good luck with the workshops

    1. Thanks Polly.... limited palettes are a sort of "safe" place aren't they.... they keep everything in order!!

  3. I too love the background on this - I don't find it menacing at all - they look like adventurers heading into the unknown with their sticks/brollies at their side and the shadows ahead of them.

    Have fun with your workshops :)

    1. Thanks Carmen... one reason to do a bg like this is I don't really like doing foliage!! Gets me out if that one!!

  4. I like your use of the limited palette and the halo effect really works. I wonder what it would look like if the light areas were dark and the dark area light - like they were walking towards the light from between dark buildings? It's lovely though as is.

    1. Great idea Jean and I may well have a go at reversing the lights and darks.. will let you know if I do!!


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