
Monday, 17 February 2014

Sharon's Art February Challenge

Sharon Whitley runs a facebook challenge each month and this month her choice was a fabulous photo from Gary Jones which I fancied having a go at.. as always I can see areas I might have done differently but I was going for drama and almost scary with this one as the image is extremely imposing!! Limited palette again

Winsor Purple
Winsor Red
Quin gold
Translucent Orange


  1. I love the drama in this one.

  2. You captured scary for sure, nice work Judith

  3. Love this Judith. He is scaring me just looking at him!

  4. Very dramatic - wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that beak!

  5. You achieved scary! Imagine what the small critters must feel like with that bearing down on them! Love this - love the drama, the emotion - don't mess with this bird!

    That really red RED in his mouth is just yummy.

  6. Thank you all for leaving such lovely comments.. I haven't been painting as much as I might like so good to get back to it!! Delighted you all feel it is dramatic and scary, that was what I wanted....


Would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit my blog, why not leave me a message then I know you've popped by!! If you have any enquiries please send me an e-mail to