
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Amazing Effects

There is a photographer on Paint my Photo called Alex Lee Johnson whose work is just fantastic and  I have one or two images of his on my to do list.

This started out as a play to see if I could get some of the soft focus effects he has in his photos as I love them both in photos and paintings. As usual I didn't spend much time on the drawing so the likeness to the original image is ok though not spot on but that wasn't the aim of this piece and I am still pleased with the effect overall.

Alex has some wonderful creative ideas and anyone who has any doubt as to whether photography is art need look no further... his photos are moody, unusual and so attractive they have really inspired me! I enjoy painting portraits and his photos are a treat to use!! In this one I really liked the intense contrast of light and dark, something I am always drawn to.....interestingly I do usually alter images quite a lot, cropping, using alternative palettes but quite honestly Alex's images lend themselves to a loose watercolour treatment and I couldn't resist it as it is!!

I have used a limited palette for this

Burnt Sienna
Alizarin Crimson
Touch of white gouache raw sienna and Winsor red (eyes and lips)

I may have another go at this and take a bit more care with the drawing as the girl in the original is so beautiful.... but as I mentioned I am really quite pleased with the end result as a painting and not bothered about that aspect of it.


  1. Oh it's so beautiful! It's like she blew in on a cloud! Maybe she is some kind of mythological goddess, responsible for all this rain!

  2. Thanks Carmen if you like this you need to look at Alex's page. amazing photographer!!

  3. I really like this Judith you have done well

  4. Thanks Lorraine..... I wanted to see if I could achieve the effects and it did turn out quite close to how I had visualised it... very encouraging!!

  5. Just had a peep, it got me to sign up which I keep meaning to do every time you talk about the site. I quite often draw from magazine or web photos but am never sure if I am strictly allowed to blog them. What a great site. And you are right about Alex's photos. SO good and pure art! Having seen the original I love what you did with your version even more now!

    1. Glad you have Carmen, it's a terrific site with no copyright issues and some amazing photos especially Alex's. My brother in law John Robinson also takes some super landscapes amongst other much choice!!

  6. Wow, beautiful and moody. One of my fave's of yours so far.

  7. Really nice. It has a soulfulness about it. Lovely muted colors.

  8. Wow, that is just soooooo nice Judith. Love limited palettes - they always work so well and never more so than in this piece.

  9. Thanks Jean and Tom....the photos provide wonderful inspiration. I love limited palettes too, takes all the decision making away!!


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