
Sunday, 12 January 2014

Day 12

This has been done from a black and white photo taken by a friend of mine at my art circle. I went along with nothing at all to paint one evening... thought I had some reference material, opened my bags and not a single image!!! Anyway I started this and it has been sitting there staring at me for a couple of months. I have only got the first washes on it so decided to revisit it this morning.

Colours used

May Green
Winsor Red
Winsor Violet
Quin gold
Translucent Orange
Pthalo Turquoise

As you can see I wanted a colourful painting as I seem to have been stuck in some rather sombre colours recently and I have gone over my usual quota of no more than 5 or 6 colours but hey it's Sunday and I'm feeling giddy!!

I have painted this fast and loose and think if I was to paint again would change the composition slightly, but the exercise for me was to slap the paint on in quite a carefree way and see how far I have come from when  I used to do that and am quietly pleased with how it has turned out. I think a lot of my problems stemmed from unfinished sloppy paintings which though loose had no structure but I didn't know what else to do with them!! When I go to see other artists paint, the one thing which strikes me is that they know how to put those very important finishing touches.... maybe the penny is dropping!!!

Hope you like!!

Leslie's Blog


  1. Heel mooi Judith prachtige kleurenschakelring lieve groetjes Danielle

  2. Yay - I was getting worried that you'd not had time to paint but thrilled you've been keeping at it and just not having time to post! All of them great, love the poppies xx

  3. I do like! Gorgeous colours! What I love about coming to visit you is that whenever I get disheartened I must remind myself that we're always learning. Keep on keeping on. And it helps when I see someone as good as you talk about still learning things :)


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