
Saturday, 18 January 2014

Brusho Practice... Day 13,14 and 15

Haven't done much painting this week, well not to post anyway. I did a workshop on Wednesday where we did our winter scene and have to admit the members at Hindley Art and Soul did a really good job so I might be painting but none of them count towards the painting a day!! So still catching up, busy week next week so hoping to get more painting done tomorrow so that I start the week on schedule again!!

Anyway I decided to do a bit of Brusho today...I normally like to do Brusho outside but obviously the weather isn't suitable so rather than do large pieces where I get it all over not only me but the floor, desk and anywhere else in the vicinity, I thought I would have a go on some smaller pieces where I am less likely to make such a mess and it worked!!

Using just wax today as I didn't want to start messing with the bleach I managed these 3 studies, all just practices but I quite like the pear!!

Don't forget if any of you are interested in having a go, here is the link to buy Joanne's wonderful book and DVD

Painting a Day                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

1 comment:

  1. These are brusholicious as Joanne says, especially the pear. I daren't use it in the house, hope you didn't spread it around.


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