
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Back to Painting

Not on puppy duty this weekend so first chance to get some painting done... yeh!!!! I need to get my xmas cards printed along with some greetings cards as I am doing a solo exhibition at Garstang Arts Centre in November and I want to have a good price range of paintings to offer so cards are ideal for anyone who may like what I do but can't afford to buy a painting (I have to say my unframed, mounted paintings are very reasonably priced, as in fact is all my work but obviously framed pieces are more expensive).

So have had the afternoon painting and have been working on 6 different paintings at one go, doing little bits here and there as I am waiting for them to dry. We are doing a still life of pears in the loose group on
Paint my Photo using a photo taken by Clare and when I started to think about it I realised it might be suitable as an xmas card

 I also did this other image of pears which Lorna had tried......... a complicated reference with a very busy bg which I decided to simplify. This was done by first painting the pears but losing edges here and there then building up the whole thing with both negative and positive painting. This isn't a finished painting it was just something I fancied having a go at to see how it might work.

Finally I finished another xmas card.  The other 3 are still drying and I will finish them next week sometime. I have painted this image before but went in much darker with the bg this time as my xmas cards have a sort of theme with darks bgs and I want them to look like a collection. Image from a reference by Chrissy M

 So now I have to start making decisions ... which images to use for both xmas and greetings cards and then which paintings I need to have framed for the exhibition... thankfully I do have quite a few already done..... think I might need to do another 10 and maybe swap some around as well. I think I will be taking about 35, some just mounted, then some cards. Am getting worn out just thinking about it!!


  1. I empathize with you. Just hung a solo exhibition of mine and the stress of choosing paintings, mounting and framing is more than I expected. Love your bird painting. Very cute and will make a great Xmas card.

  2. Thanks Jean... decisions and I are not a match made in heaven so not looking forward to that bit!!

  3. Have you thought of selling unframed prints of some of your work? I've bought several prints from artists, and usually if it is an 'in person' purchase the artist will sign the print for me too... then the framing is at my expense... just a suggestion for you.

  4. Glorious pears, Judith. I love the colours in them.

    1. Delighted you like Vandy... I like the colours too!!

  5. Love the robin! I am going to try one next.

  6. Dear Judith - love your art - very lovely - especially the little bird. Definitely will make a beautiful card - thanks for sharing. I will be stopping back to visit soon. Have a great day.

  7. I like the cute little bird. The other paintings are also nice.


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