
Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Meet Archie!!!

Well my blog has been quiet for the last few days and have almost kissed goodbye to the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, you see we have been kept rather busy with a new addition to the family!!

Here is Archie, Mark (my son) and Steph's new puppy, a field spaniel/show cocker cross!! We are standing in for his other day care at the moment and it is a sheer pleasure to have him!!

How cute is he!! I tagged along when they went to choose him and nearly came home with one myself as well!! So he arrived at their house, just 10 weeks old, last Friday and we have been puppy sitting during the day since Monday. He is so cuddly and smart... not that we're biased of course!!

He is almost house trained already and has been getting really confident and cheeky today!! He has been such a brave little boy, exploring all by himself taking a look around the house, and even trying out the wooden floor he has been reluctant to step on until now.  He knows his name and seems to already be displaying his innate tendencies to sniff and retrieve, taking all his toys back to his crate and playing with them there. He is very curious but so loving and affectionate and we are having a lot of fun with him at the moment!!

Suffice to say I have not done a scrap of painting as even when he sleeps he likes to be nursed and neither of us have the heart to say no!! He seems to be getting to know us especially hubbie who has spent the most time with him but goes mental when Steph arrives to pick him up.

His favourite position!!

So happy in his crate with his toys... seems to know it's his little house!!

Wondering what mischief to get up to next!!

Spends most of his time like this with his nose to the ground!!

So not sure just when I will get back to doing some painting, I don't normally paint at night but think that might have to start happening, need to get my daylight lamp out and change my habits as there is a sweet little puppy who needs attention in the day..... wonder if this is how it feels to have grandchildren???


  1. You can tell he is mischievous just from your lovely pics

    1. He is Polly and getting more so by the day!! You can see him gaining confidence and getting braver, he is desperate to go down the stairs but he's just too little!!

  2. Mega cute Judith! Mind you, when your grandchildren do arrive, it is sheer bliss giving them a brush, paper and some watercolour! Both of mine have produced lovely paintings for their mum!

    1. Now that would be a novelty Sue!! Neither of my boys really wanted to paint when they were little... more interested in being outside with a football, maybe a little granddaughter would be the answer!!

  3. He is adorable... that is also the reason why I haven't been completing my work either... I have Milo a 14 week old black poodle ...he is such a handful!
    My house will never be the same! Enjoy your new addition :)

    1. Isn't he lovely Mary... think we are in love!! We are a couple of weeks behind you then, they really are such fun aren't they?

  4. Archie is gorgeous, Judith! We used to have a Springer Spaniel and they are wonderful animals. :)

    1. They are Ingrid and this is what we would get if we were having our own... needs some thinking about though!!

  5. He's is gorgeous and I can see why you would not be painting

    1. And I don't really mind Lorraine.. it isn't for long so will just enjoy him while we can!!

  6. Ah bless and welcome to the world of painting at night - it's not so bad lol! Hmm I can see some paintings of this little fella - what a cutie!

    1. Didn't actually get any done Sharon!! Might have another try later!! Trouble is puppy arrives early in the morning so I can't leave anything out downstairs and it's getting chilly to go up to my little studio... sneaked an hour in this afternoon though!!

  7. Does anyone else have probs leaving messages? If I go back to correct something, it just freezes!
    He has you all wrapped round his paw! (This was my original second sentence!)

  8. He has us both wrapped around those little paws Lin... you should see how my husband is with him!!

    Not sure what the problem is about leaving messages... one or two people have had problems in the past but most seem to be able to leave messages without any trouble....

  9. He is very cute. Looks like you will have to get one of your own.

    1. We're not sure what to do Jean... having both retired, with both children having flown the nest we are enjoying the freedom, so for the time being we will make the most of him... somehow I think we will be seeing plenty of him in the weeks and months if not years to come!!

  10. How could you RESIST getting one of those puppies for yourself? He is adorable, on this side of the pond, we call those 'English Cockers'... I really like the red ones, the salt and pepper ones are cute too. I'm so jealous, I have puppy envy.

    1. He really is so adorable Elaine and we have missed him this weekend! Never mind he will be back on Monday!! He is showing all the instincts of a working cocker or field spaniel... in the uk, they are called "beaters" entering the hedgerow to flush out for the pheasants for a shoot... he roams the garden with his nose firmly planted on the ground foraging for smells and then he chases and retrieves anything we throw for him so he has lots of innate behaviour. The show cockers (part of his cross) don't behave like that so it is interesting to see it showing in him so early.

  11. Judith he is just beautiful reminds me of my abbi when we first got her 14 years ago!!!

    1. Aw how lovely Margaret.... sounds like they are long livers then!! It's just like having a baby, but he is almost house trained now... such a clever boy!!

  12. After 2 attempts to leave a message here I commented on Archie on your FB page.....trying again!

    1. Yay!!!! You made it Helen!! I knew you could do it!!

  13. Judith GO BACK! You have to have one of your own by the sound of it!
    Archie could have a brother or sister to spend time with...and you could work out dogsitting reciprocations!
    I don't think you'd regret it for a second. They give unconditional love 24/7 ^..^
    As to no painting...welcome to my world ;D
    Enjoy your time with Archie but go and get an Alfie or Aimee! Hehe

  14. May well do Nessie but there would be no dogsitting reciprocations as both my sons and partners work full time and it would be us doing all the dogsitting which is why we're doing this in the first place!! It needs thinking about as we are both retired and can come and go as we please... will be off for a few days to Bruges in December then maybe away in Feb, again in May etc etc so would really need to be happy with any arrangements for dog care!!


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