
Monday, 9 September 2013

Day 8 "On the Lookout"

Taken from a photo by Janepi on PMP I converted this into a black and white image... I often paint from black and white... 2 reasons, I can obviously see the tonal variation better from black and white but the main reason is I want to use my imagination for the colour. I started using black and white a few years ago when our tutor would bring images for us to paint. I didn't want to simply "copy" what he brought especially if they were images of paintings so if he had any black and white that was what I would choose so that at least I could inject a little bit of individuality into what I did. I was trying to study colour and I learned a lot about how to put a successful colour palette together. It was more challenging for me instead of using the palette worked out by someone else.

For anyone who is interested I wrote a blog sometime ago about copying from other artists work here

Anyway here is day 8 of the challenge... a quick sketch

Link to 30 day blog

1 comment:

  1. He's very sweet, Judith. Good suggestion about using a black and white reference photo. I have done that in the past to get tonal values right.

    Interesting post about copying too. I think it's great to learn technique from other artists and sometimes the way to do it is by going through their exercises. I try not to do a workshop with the same artist twice though - just in case I start painting too much like them.


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