
Sunday, 8 September 2013

Day 7 of 30 day challenge

Didn't get chance to paint but had one in reserve... another mas card.  I had two squirrels I wanted to paint this second one is from a photo by John Robinson and is my second attempt. As you can see there is a pattern to these paintings as I want them to gel together as a collection. I choose a palette I like which I think will not only compliment the subject but at the same time be an attractive colour combination and portray a festive feeling.... I think this may be a bit busy looking as I have gone overboard with the snow!! But once I have a few I will choose the best and get them printed... he also looks rather well fed!!

30 day challenge


  1. I watch with great interest your challenge. this kind of challenge is very trainer and very encouraging. I saw a rapidly changing when I make portraits
    best wishes

  2. Love your use of color here Judith. You define the squirrel beautifully with it.

  3. Love both your squirrels Judith - I'll be painting another squirrel before the end of the month - a grey one next time though! Just wondering how you do the snow - is it white gouache or another method? I must think about Christmas cards!

  4. I like this squirrel and the amount of snow, certainly gives it that Christmassy feel


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