
Monday, 17 June 2013

Review of Brusho Secrets Book and DVD by Joanne Boon thomas

I don’t really know quite where to start with this as the two publications have “brushoed” me away!!!!
So in terms of a proper review here are a few of my initial observations….

First,  both DVD and Book… extremely professional, very well edited, coherent commentary and instruction, exceptional images, wonderfully illustrated with splashes of colour so well incorporated into the body of the book… hope you are getting the picture…now for my review!!

I was so excited to get my copies of book and DVD and started on the book first…. As with any publication which captures me, food, housework (not that I often partake in that shady occupation!!) all went to the dogs and I settled down to follow Joanne’s journey with her beloved Brusho for that is exactly what the book is, a journey, where she takes you slowly, simply and carefully through the various steps she has taken years to learn, to help us on our way to successfully using this beautiful medium. 
As with her videos, Joanne’s writing is easy, clear and uncomplicated, but, very well thought out, and it sounds just as if she is talking to you……she makes everything really, really clear so together with the stunning illustrations of the many, many studies, and demonstrations  you cannot fail to make progress with this fabulous medium. Speaking of the demonstrations, each one made me feel it was thoroughly achievable…. there is comprehensive instruction and meticulous illustration at each stage so exemplary execution of step by step demos (can certainly learn a lot from this for my own very amateur attempts!!) which I feel sure will help tremendously when you get to do some practice. 

The other thing Joanne shares are all her techniques, the softening technique she uses both for Brusho and watercolour, her use of light and dark, the splattering, use of wax, bleach, too many to mention here but let me assure it would seem no stone has been left unturned in this fabulous publication. I do in fact have only one negative comment to share about the book and that is having been rather  pro e-books,  I have to confess I really want to see this as a hard copy… I somehow want to feel the book, to see it in full glory and see the full impact of the colour illustrations, to show it off on my coffee table, but then I am a bit of a book fiend… I have all my childrens’ books and still have some I bought and never ended up giving!! 

And now to the DVD.  To start with I really can’t say which I prefer, I am lucky enough to have both (there is a special deal if you buy both together) and wouldn’t be able to say yes it’s the book you must have or no it’s the DVD… I usually watch a DVD then refer to the book but this DVD shares some different demos than the book so adds to the value!!  Although I have been on several brusho workshops with Joanne I have sometimes been left wondering… now what did she do then and how did she do that? I do remember a lot of what I see and do in a workshop but there are inevitably bits I forget and would be nice to have Joanne living here just to ask her those little queries… well that’s where this DVD comes in… it’s like having Joanne in your home telling you all the things you might just have forgotten. The DVD follows a similar format to the book and builds up with a host of simple exercises where you are encouraged to play and get a feel for how much product and water to use. There is also a really useful recap screen at the end of each chapter where all the hints, tips and instructions are shared for that particular chapter. 

If you buy the DVD what will become clear is Joanne’s talent… you will see how she builds something up and more importantly how she finishes something off, something I know I drone on about a lot… I believe that is the main difference between the pro artists and we aspiring ones… they know what tiny little bit of paint is needed to transform a painting and you will witness this time and again in this DVD.   I was most impressed with the snowy painting which is building up nicely and suddenly Joanne transforms it and the whole thing comes alive… you need to see it!!!! There are some wonderful florals and I was also hoping a nude would be included  (which it is) and though it is a more advanced painting it concludes the DVD and will certainly  leave you yearning to paint it.

I think it is very clear that not only do I like this new book and DVD, I am in awe of the written, spoken and illustrative content… I do know that both book and DVD were only in the initial planning stages at the start of the year and to have created something as professional and complete as this especially in the time scale is an amazing feat and all credit must go to Joanne Boon Thomas and to Art Tutor who have collaborated wonderfully well.  Nothing has been held back from producing two of the most comprehensive,   instructional, attractive pieces of art publications I ever have seen and read (and believe me I’ve seen a few!!) and I am absolutely certain that if you were to buy this book and DVD you would not only be thoroughly inspired to try this tantalising medium but  it would also give you the tools to produce some paintings you might only dream of!!!

If you would like to buy these wonderful products here is the link…Brusho Secrets


  1. oh Judith I'd love to have both, they sound fantastic but I always feel so guilty spending money on myself (don't we all) but I may not be able to resist, especially after reading your very excited review!!

  2. They are so good Sharon, have you checked out the link to Brusho Secrets?... gives you all the details and prices to buy them.

  3. Ik wens je veel succes met alle twee de dingen die je doet lieve groetjes Danielle

    1. Thanks you for yor very kind wishes Danielle you always leave such encouraging comments.

  4. Hello Judith - I've already purchased the 'Brusho' DVD and I LOVE it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not wanting to do ANY housework, cooking, ironing or even going to work (I still have to work part time as my art doesn't pay enough!) as I'm so inspired! Joanne is a brilliant watercolour artist and her enthusiasm for 'Brusho' is infectious!!!Pat Wood

    1. It is so infectious you are right Pat... I couldn't believe it the first tine I saw it explode on the paper!! I even wondered if it was cheating the effects are so fantastic... anyway back to some housework for you!!

  5. Having now seen the DVDs, I completely agree with your high praise for Joanne's great product. Joanne's explanations and teaching style are perfect for any Brusho newbie...having been following Joanne's demonstration exercises, I have not had a single potential question that wasn't answered. Congratulations to Joanne on such a fine production, and thank you Judith for sharing on your blog.

    1. I know some may have thought my review was an exaggeration but I know it isn't and now you do too!! Am delighted you agree Mike... Joanne has done a wonderful job with no stone left unturned!!

  6. Fabulous review Judith, when I eventually get booked onto one of Joanne's workshops I'll definitely invest in these publications too.

  7. Fantastic review you write beautifully Judith and Im sure you could sell ice to the eskimos lol I love my Brusho but holy dooley is it colourful I nearly died when I spritzed my page my eyes nearly popped out of my head I am learning to sprinkle less so to speak. I love the DVD's and as yet can't find my e-book grrrrr but Im sure Its somewhere in my computer I like you prefer a hard copy to drool over its quite different than e-book reading but it would have been more expensive for that so for now Ill just live with e-book reading- sadly nobody here in Australia offers workshops on it and not many people have heard of it but I have a question re bleach maybe you can answer it does it continue to react with the paper long after it dries Im sure Joanne mentioned something but can't remember which DVD and where and someone asked me???

    1. No once the bleach is dry nothing else seems to happen to it Leona. It continues to react as the paper dries but not after and even if you re-wet an area where you have used bleach nothing seem to happen... hope that helps.


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