
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Eventful week and it's only Tuesday!!

Where do I start!!!

I have had 4 workshops booked within a week and the last two were yesterday morning and evening.  As always  I try to inject a bit of enthusiasm to the sessions and judging from the comments you will see here on Westhoughton Art Groups Website, I think I have succeeded!! Dave Hendry has been a great help to me and has recommended me to numerous groups within the Northwest so I have a lot to be grateful to him for. Two ladies from the group have also booked for my beginners workshops in July... the first session is now fully booked and I am trying to get bookings now for the second which am hoping will get booked up soon now.

I then went to Leigh to a group I have visited before where a lady also booked for a workshop with another fairly firm commitment from someone else as well!!! I visited Horwich Art Society on Friday and they are passing my details elsewhere for workshop bookings and maybe a final odd person or two for the beginners workshop......

And so to this morning... we set off bright and early to the hospital where hubby had his check up for the hip... all doing really well and the consultant is very pleased as the x-ray shows the hip is in exactly the right position, his muscles are much stronger so no further physio just carry on doing what he's doing!!

Then we made a detour on the way home to a wonderful restaurant in Rainhill called Galleria.  Sadly we didn't eat there but the menu looked delicious!! Joanne Boon Thomas had told me about this place where the proprietors display art work so it is not only  a restaurant but a gallery too... I had loaded the car with a selection to show them and have to admit was not sure they were going to take anything at first... Mala has a good eye for art and is in fact an art teacher herself but more importantly knows what sells in her restaurant/gallery and certainly some of the florals I had taken weren't really what she was looking for. However she was more interested in some of the animal series I have done recently and took 5 to display and see what reaction they get. I am thrilled as 4 out of the 5 are framed identically and I am hoping they will look good as a series all hanging together. She also asked me to frame a couple of mounted pieces which did happen to be florals and a final unframed one which is my own favourite... the Sea Holly.  These are what she took

So now it is Tuesday evening and as I am writing this and I am in the process of getting the domain name for my website which I am hoping will be launched very soon... I know not before time!!! I have built my own on which is a very user friendly host .......must be if I have managed it, at least I haven't had to go into it's brain to tell it to do things and am liking how it's looking so far. Have had some help from son no2... he has added some finishing touches like this blog and my new logo (how professional does that sound?) and tidied things up a bit which has been a real help to me as I sometimes get so far with things then don't know what else to do... he is also getting the domain name transferred over which all seemed a bit teccie for me so watch this space!!!

So a busy couple of days...I have a busy couple of weeks ahead too... having a new kitchen fitted, can't wait, the other one looks ok but is all frills and no knickers.... the hob doesn't fully work the fridge has a hard time staying cold and one of the ovens is on the blink so flatters to deceive!!! And once that is fitted my beginners workshops did I ever find time to work?


  1. Enjoyed your catch-up! onwards and upwards Judith, you are flying!! x

  2. Well just skimming the waters maybe but yes lots happening, and a few people to be grateful to as well... we all need a bit of help from time to time and I seem to have had quite a lot, people who have had faith in me and who have been very generous with their time, praise and support Joanne and Dave!!

  3. Congratulations on all scores Judith - and pleased to hear that 'hubby' is on the mend.

    I love these animal pics - particularly the cat.

    1. Thanks Sue... the cat has a really tragic story... was about 9 months old when the owner found him dead in the garden... had been poisoned!! How could anyone do that??

      Apart from that yes a good couple of days!!

  4. it's great that you are in such high demand for workshops, Judith. Congratulations on all your success. You certainly have a knack for painting animals, and your florals always command attention.

    1. Thanks Mike...I have tried hard to get the beginners booked up and the groups I go to do seem to invite me back fairly regularly so am very pleased about that.... all helps me build a bit of a reputation at least locally!! Thanks for the lovely comment about the animals and flowers!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Lorraine nearly as good as your new studio!!

  6. Gorgeous choices - I hope they all find people who fall in love with them!!

    1. Me too Rhonda... am delighted Mala decided to take a group of them as they do look good as a series.....maybe someone will be enticed to buy them like that!!

  7. Succes met alles je doet het super lieve groetjes Danielle

    1. Thank you so much for the good luck wishes Danielle I really appreciate it!!


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