
Thursday, 18 April 2013

My latest Brusho Painting

Have been working on a few nudes and this was one of the images we used in the last workshop with Joanne Boon Thomas . I liked my attempt in the workshop though think I  prefer the softer effects here and the drawing is better as I did a faint pencil sketch. In the workshop the drawing was done with a waterproof marker pen and I personally like the more subtle effects here. Joanne had done one or two studies using this sort of colour scheme which I liked and as I wanted to use a different palette to those I had used in the workshop, I tried this one.

I absolutely love working with Brusho but am finding I have so much to paint and not enough time that I don't get to practice with it as much as I would like and for all of you new to Brusho it really is like all painting..... practice, practice then more practice!! I also believe Joanne's book and DVD is close to completion so as soon as it is available, don't delay in ordering your copies, I think demand is going to be huge and would hate any of you to have to wait if they need to do a repeat run!

Anyway here is the painting, hope you like, done on half imperial, it is good to go bigger with Brusho... it  enables you to paint in such a free way and really lends itself to larger work whereas goig bigger with watercolour can be more intimidating.....

Here is a link to the Brusho Secrets site in case any of you would like to purchase Joanne's book and DVD.


  1. Beautiful Judith,love the colours,how do we order Joanne's book & DVD ?

    1. Joanne will be publishing details when they are available Margaret... it might be worth asking her if you can pre-order though?

  2. Lovely Judith, my Brusho set remains dormant

    1. HI Lorraine Joanne's book and Dvd will be available so to get you started... the Karlyn Holman book has arrived btw, not had much chance to study it but looks right up my street!!

  3. Very effective, Judith. By not using the pen, you have a few lost edges and the subject is more united with the background. Another Judith gem.

    1. I think that's why I prefer this way to the pen Mike, gives a much gentler more subtle effect. The pen is good obviously if you do want to keep the drawing whereas pencil can be lost after the first wash and you are left almost without the drawing, that's where a bit of wax comes in useful to add some highlights and an odd edge.

      Ps hope you enjoy Jean's workshop!!

  4. I've been meaning to revisit this post of yours for a while to add a comment - for some or other reason I seem unable to comment when I'm viewing blogs from my iPad.

    Gorgeous work, Judith - and lovely colours too - really striking and unusual - I am looking forward to getting hold of some Brusho and Joanne's DVD when it is released - but am sure that it will take a long time and lots of practice to achieve the measure of control you've managed here. Well done.

    Thanks for comment on my blog - much appreciated!


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