
Monday, 15 April 2013

Been to Ken Bromley's..... Again!!!

After going to Pam's workshop last week I decided I needed some Perylene Green!!!  This wasn't a mere want it was a genuine need, you know how it there was nothing else for it, I just had to go today!!I did need some paper for someone in my group but the paint was calling me!!

Some of you may be horrified to learn but I have done this next painting from a photo of a statue of some boxing hares.... I wanted to use my new paint and when I was looking through my images this one jumped out!! Taken from a photo by Nicola B on PMP. I have been looking for a photo of boxing hares for a while and my photographic skills are pretty dire and I am always forgetting to take my camera with me.... was so mad when we went for a walk on Saturday as there were two ducks sitting on a bank about 3 feet away from us and a small bird which was so tame was within touching distance and of course where was my camera???? Had to settle for a cream scone and a Cappuccino at Rivington Barn to make up for it!!

Anway I digress..... for some reason I decided my new shade and Alizarin crimson would be the perfect choice for this subject. I didn't draw any of this and have tried to keep a loose feel.. don't know about me having a cream scone.... think the one on the left might have had a few too many cream teas as he is looking a bit "porky.!!"

As for the green, Pam, said it was a lovely intense dark colour and that it was a touch grey and that describes it perfectly so a subtle but rich shade which I thought married perfectly with the crimson.... the colours look a little more subdued on here than in real life but I think you can get the idea.

I have been working on more street scenes, and in particular a cafe scene and am not really pleased with the results which is why I haven't updated my blog with much work recently, might give them a rest for a while but I don't like to be beaten and I can promise I will come back to them. I am coming to the conclusion that my strengths are animals, flowers, and portraits with the odd nude thrown in and maybe I should stick to those for the time being..... I feel I also need to do some more landscapes too but not sure I'm ready for those yet either!!! Maybe a waterfall like the one Pam did would be a good start, will keep you posted!!


  1. Wonderful picture
    Full of fun and such lovely colours

  2. Sounds such a familiar story Judith, we just have to have all the painting toys and have them we do. I too try my hand at out of my comfort zone subjects and sometimes feel quite stupid that I cannot get them to work, I then follow up with something more to my norm which makes me feel good, but every time I practice the elusive subjects I feel I get a tiny bit closer. Anyway it would be boring if we were all landscape or streetscape artists

    1. Great lively painting, and no drawing!! Magic. This is one of the colours I had to have too, but alas is now forgotten! You made me remember it, will dig it out, as it makes lovely subtle greys. You are lucky to live near Ken Bromleys, I would buy the shop out!

    2. I don't know why we seem to favour certain subjects Lorraine, and incapable of doing others.....some of my streetscapes have worked but the ones I'm doing at the moment are just not playing nicely!!! So as you say, back to some comfort painting!!

    3. It is such a temptation near KB's Polly... I actually nearly got a job there once....and the new premises are lovely... they also have Maimeri Blue paints as well now though am sorry they stopped selling Schmincke.....just need to sell a bit more to supply my addiction!!

  3. Love the painting and know the photo - we're on a quest to get some boxing hare photos - if Gary manages to get any we'll share them on PMP for people to paint - it's a popular subject and photos of them aren't easy to come by!

    1. That would be amazing Sharon... can imagine it would be nearly impossible to actually catch the moment but with a photographer like Gary.... who knows!!!

  4. Ik vind het geweldig geworden zo vol van actie bijzonder lieve groetjes Danielle

    1. Thank you Danielle..... action was what I was looking for so delighted that's how it appears!!


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