
Friday, 22 March 2013

Working on Skin Tones

I have had several false stars when it comes to portraits but always knew I would come back to them when skill levels allowed and decided to have another go this week. ~I wanted to do some African/Afro Caribbean skins so I could  play with the colour and put my stamp on them. The first was a little girl whose face and expression I just loved, both paintings are taken from a photos by Li Newton on PMP.

I used raw sienna, permanent rose, UB and burnt sienna for this one has her skin tone was quite honey coloured so I didn't want such a dark appearance.

Much darker skin tones on this, I used alizarin crimson, sepia, indigo, burnt sienna and raw sienna.  I feel I might have overworked this it has maybe lost some "freshness" so I may try it again. I think I went in too dark too early, going in gently to start with would have allowed me to leave some lighter, brighter areas, and given me a greater variety of tone within her face... you live and learn!!!

I will work some more on these as I enjoy portraits and think they have potential... not sure how saleable they are but if I worried about that am not sure I would paint anything!! I do know some artists tend to paint for sales and maybe when sales start to increase I will have decisions to make... I have actually sold both paintings I had of Venice so should I paint another??? I may do, as Venice is the topic we are doing at my group next time so I may have a suitable paiting to mount and frame when I have demonstrated next time.. decisions, decisions!!


  1. Great work Judith, I really like the first one as you have captured delicacy and dark skin too

    1. I like the first too Lorraine... think I might redo the second, but all part of the learning curve!!

  2. Your portraits are just gorgeous!You did a fabulous job with them. I like the feeling you've captured on the first one. She looks like she is emerging onto the page.

    1. Thank you Leslie, I appreciate your lovely comments, I prefer the first... there are so may things I want to be painting at the moment... just not enough hours!!

  3. I know what you mean - my head is full of things I want to paint! Love your portraits - the one of Kesha is in the monthly challenge on PMP at the moment - it would be great if you could post it there with the others! We've had over 100 actual entries and another 70 odd painted that are not in the judging!

  4. Have posted Sharon, the next version is better and am more pleased with it, skin tones are brighter and warmer with not as much overworking.

  5. I think you're very brave to try portraits. I've not had the time (or courage) to leap in and have a go yet.

    These are lovely.

    1. I seem to be doing a lot of different subjects at the moment Vandy but still have your blog in mind about doing a series of paintings which will have some sort of coherence for an exhibition.


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