
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

What to Paint???

I don't really have a problem with what to paint and get spoiled for choice, so my indecision kicks in and from the very long list of possibles, I have to decide which to do next, so I umm and ahh about what to do (can sometimes take nearly as long as I do to paint it!!!) and yesterday decided on a portrait and a rook. I will be doing the portrait again as I didn't get the drawing quite right though I am pleased with the painting part ( that is an interesting development as historically it is the painting bit which has let me down!) but I am pleased with the rook. Taken from a photo by Steve Lyddon on PMP

I wanted to get some really deep values so used Indigo, Perylene Maroon, burnt Sienna and Quin Gold... lovely colours letting me get some really rich tones. Perylene Maroon is a beautiful colour, it is a really good rich warm red and is one of those colours that is just "right"... don't know why but I only knew I needed it once I got it!! And if that sounds a touch crazy.... welcome to my world!!

So now I am thinking of doing a series of bird paintings to get a bit of a collection together to maybe sell as a series..... rooks like this, blackbirds and any others which have the rich dark tones I love.


  1. i'd definitely recommend doing a series of bird paintings - I had great fun painting my garden birds and as you know still painting birds regularly, birds in flight is a bit of a thing at the moment - your rook is gorgeous and I quite fancy treating myself to that perylene maroon, the colour seems to be cropping up all over the place - it would make a change from aliz crimson which I use quite a bit!

    1. Thanks Sharon... Perylene Maroon won't replace the Aliz Crimson but for me adds a different dimension to the reds in your palette.. people say Alix crimson isn't lightfast but I buy the permanent one from W&N and I like that.... as for the birds yes will do a series and at the moment fancy doing these dark ones... starlings, jackdaws as well!! So many things to paint though!!

  2. A nice painting Judith. just enough detail. I will lookm at the Perylene Maroon on the chart

    1. Yes check it out... works well with brown too. It was a colour I first used with the Sea Holly series when I painted the one with the wacky colours.... it was exactly the colour I needed!!

  3. Funny how that colour is being mentioned - looks like another to add to my list of wants! This rook is a little cracker!

    1. Thanks Polly... there are so many colours to try and I am getting more particular about which shades from which manufacturers I use. For example, I prefer W&N quin gold to Daniel Smiths... only a subtle difference but to me one has the edge over the other and when you look they are different pigment numbers,W&N being a mix of two. Interestingly Quin Gold was a pigment made by a car manufacturing company in the states which went under so the supplies of the pigment became finite.... apparently Daniel Smith bought it up... I in my naivety decided to "stock up" and bought 2 or 3 tubes from W&N only to find the different pigments used so didn't need to have done that!!

  4. This is a great photo isn't it? I used it for a pen and wash - really like your version.

    1. It really is a great photo....Steve has some fantastic ones on his page, he's a brilliant artist too!!

  5. I like this bird painting - and you can never go wrong painting birds - so many from which to choose! I was thinking of doing birds the other day - must be spring fever setting in! I really like all the beautiful darks you have in this one.

    1. Thanks Rhonda, have had a go at some more today but not finished any, will try and complete some tomorrow.

  6. Hello Judith:) I love the style you used for the rook. The colors are very nice and soft. Very well done!

    1. Thanks Renate... am hoping to do some more in this style.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Jane, not as loose as yours but getting there!!

  8. Oh how did I miss this one. He's so handsome. I do have a thing for black birdies. Have you seen this one by Dean Crouser on Etsy he uses purples and reds too for a raven.

    Going to pin this one to join some other birdy art on my bird board on Pinterest (if you don't mind - I know some artists don't like Pinterest)


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