
Saturday, 30 March 2013

Do Blogs Have Birthdays... Mine does!!!

It is exactly one year ago today since I started my bog!! For those who have followed regularly you will have some idea of what has been going on but I did want to mark the birthday of my blog with a bit of an update from my first ever post.

A few stats to start with:-

Just over 25000 page views, can you believe that??? Am amazed as I don't have that many followers
88 at the last count!!
90 posts... a whole selection mainly of my ramblings on art with a few other gems thrown in!
800+ unique visits this month (not at the end yet which is why there is a plus sign!!), again with the number of followers am thrilled with that!!

For any tecchies out there I do have Google Analytics attached to my blog....not much idea what to use the info for, but it does show me a rising trend in the visits to my blog, it shows that people move from one page to another and also that I do get visits from a variety of sources and many many countries with quite a high proportion of new visitors each day.

I started the blog for a few reasons, such a lot was happening I thought it was a good idea to start recording my thoughts and  progress, I thought it would be a good way to show my work altogether and would provide a platform to share a few tips and hints about how I go about things with an odd step by step thrown in along the way (for those of you who have asked me to do videos, please be patient I haven't forgotten, just need to get something set up) many of you will know I have started tutoring and have found a passion there which almost rivals my love of painting so I love sharing on here and love it when people ask me questions about colours, techniques in fact anything at all and am especially pleased when people say they like coming to my blog as they learn something... that is the real icing on the cake for me!!

Firsts this year:-


I have done 4 and sold 5 paintings from them  plus another two from someone who had seen my portfolio and one from a workshop, I have no idea if that is good or not, but I am really happy with that!! I may do 2 exhibitions over this summer and have a biggie in November which I am really excited about. I have also sold another 4 paintings from the start of 2013 and as was pointed out to me that is one a month so I hope I can continue with that!! All my work on here is for sale by the way, some framed some not (though I can easily unframe if I need to post anywhere and obviously drop the price!!) and I was interested to read on another blog how the artist is always prepared to consider a reasonable offer... his work was not too expensive anyway (as mine isn't!!) and I am happy to do the same!!!Please e-mail me if you are interested in anything.


I have visited 7 different Art Groups and so far all have asked me back with firm bookings from 4 with tentative dates from 2 more so am delighted with how that is going... I have just two more sessions to run for one group out of a block of 6 they booked me for last Autumn... they have a big choice of tutors they could have asked but was thrilled they chose me as I love going there and they have made me so welcome as I have to say, have all the groups!!

Have just checked up and I have run 29 sessions since the Summer...10 of those in January!!!

My own group runs every other Thursday from Autumn to  Easter and they have asked me to continue for an extra 2 sessions and start a little earlier in September which I have been happy to do. We have been covering lots of topics and I can actually see the progress they are making.

Greetings Cards

Have done well with these and need to get some more printed as I have very few left.... all sold by word of mouth as I didn't have them for any of the exhibitions but I do need to get some for the future ones I have planned.

Step by Steps

I have now done 3, all posted on here... all flowers, have only just realised that so need to do one or two other topics now.


What a product... I love it and under the careful, inspiring, guidance from Joanne Boon Thomas I have had a huge amount of fun and done a few not bad paintings as well... Brusho is a whole new world which I am so glad to have had the opportunity to experience!! Joanne is running a holiday at Bandouille in France in the Summer.

I have tried to stretch myself this year and have attended workshops with Jean Haines and Joanne Boon Thomas. I have tried tackling new subjects, techniques and generally throwing myself at the mercy of these pesky watercolours and thought I might just show you a few of may favs for this year

This one just happened!! No drawing, no sketches no planets just straight in with the paint and instinctively with the colours... was and still am, very pleased with this!!

My first attempt at going big.... 25"x20" and my first ever step by step... if you check on the side of my blog this is actually the second most popular post I have ever done and I was delighted with this as I really thought I was losing it half way through!!

This was another which just appeared (don't you just love it when that happens), I haven't framed this yet but think I will for the next exhibition, it is  from a photo taken by my brother in law as we walked along the banks of the River Lune and is called Hidden. It is one of a handful of buildings I have done... I am working on them as I love streetscapes and would love to be a bit more adept at doing them!!

This does have to be one of my all time favourites, and was short listed for the Ken Bromley cover competition.... I was working on a series of Sea Holly and this one I did do some prelim sketches to work out a new composition different to the ones I already had in my reference photos so am proud of this for a number of reasons... mainly because it is my own composition with a bit of originality!!

This was the first ever full painting I demonstrated at a workshop... did two or three practices before and am delighted to say I have done this at 4 groups with really good results everywhere!!

Brusho..... done at one of Joanne's workshops, I did a block of three sessions in October having had a taster in May.... it is fabulous and I love it!!!

What  can I say... I love this one.....maybe the dogs all paint themselves as this was another one which just appeared!! My friend's dog Holly, such a cutie, I loved painting her, and think I captured the essence of her!!

This was the first pencil portrait I have done in more than 15 years and I was so pleased with it as it really captured the dog and wouldn't have worked half as well with my usual charcoal... his fur was too short and smooth. This did take me longer than a charcoal drawing but  I think was worth it for the final result.

I have only just painted this and believe it is special as it represents a shift in my thinking... it tells me that I can work things out and I can actually get close to what is in my head... something we watercolourists don't often achieve and get very frustrated about... it is also something I have worked on and rescued from the brink and encourages me to check out some of my most recent work which has been "binned" (only metaphorically as I keep everything!!!) to see if they are in fact just unfinished. Jean Haines taught me a lot about that and I do now work on pieces for much longer but when doing new subjects or trying something new, I sometimes get to a point when I don't know where to go as with this piece. With nothing to lose I tried a few things and thankfully they worked and I got a lot of satisfaction from completing this one

Reading this back makes me realise that in fact a lot has happened in the last 12 months, with so many firsts for me and I am so grateful and understand how lucky I am to have been able to retire so early to allow me to pursue this lovely career.... I can never see it as a job and even though I am able to spend a lot of time painting and have to prepare for workshops it is never a chore, I love every minute and cannot believe that I am able to do this!! I know it is a cliche but the saying "I don't know how I ever found time to work" couldn't be more true for me!!!

I really would like to take this opportunity to thank you one and all who visit my blog and take the time to read my ramblings...and if you are still here at the end of this marathon, then well done to you and I hope to keep you all engaged in the next 12 months!!!


  1. Hi - I really enjoy your blog and also like to learn new things which you so graciously share. I live in Oregon USA and a far cry from any of the workshops my inspiration Jean Haines teaches I see you follow her too. What a difference she has made, and continues to do so. I should tell her but wonder if she would even have time to read another praise email LOL. Your work is lovely and definately a style that is just yours. I just wanted to say thank you; keep up the great work and I look forward to continuing to follow your progress and your success. Best wishes. Kay

    1. Aw thank you Kay so lovely of you to leave a message!! Yes I follow Jean and have been lucky enough to see her demonstrate a number of times and also been to an all day workshop. She is a very warm person and actually am sure would love to hear your comments so don't be afraid if you would like to e-mail her.

      I am delighted you like my work, I really enjoy sharing it here on my blog and any tips and hints I may come across. I suppose the whole thing is I love what I do so much I really want other people to share in a piece of that and to get some of the pleasure I get from painting!!

  2. Have once again just spent a happy few minutes reading what you are up to. I love it also. I could talk watercolour constantly but am just as happy to listen to someone else talk about it like its a much loved child. Thanks for the time it takes out of your day to write your feelings to share with we newbies to the wonderful world of watercolour. You do inspire and encourage us and Im sure I speak for all of your followers please keep it up and I look forward for going on the journey with you in 2013.

    1. A lovely comment Leona... I write my blog for watercolour enthusiasts just like you!!! I often think of you as I'm writing so it is a thrill to know it encourages you to keep on... when I do my classes the biggest excitement for me is when someone says they have had a try at home and that I have encouraged them to pick up their brushes!!

  3. Happy, happy Blogaversary :-) I haven't been visiting that long but you are one of my favourite blogs to visit now. I love your style of painting, I love how generous you are with sharing how you did things and I love your conversational, friendly way you come across. Like we are seeing the real you on here - A lot of my favourite blogs seem to share that last trait :-)

    I can tell you that, if I remember rightly, I think I found you via your Jean Haines book review. I had been googling reviews looking for an excuse to click "buy". Which I did. I just ended up sticking around too.

    1. Carmen!!! I wish I'd thought of that... Blogaversary brilliant. Might have to use that with credit to you of course!! I am so happy with your comment, it is so lovely to think of the people who might be reading as I write, a sure that helps me with the tone... the book review led to other things as I now review for Search Press regularly, which reminds me I have one or two to send to them!!

      Glad you liked the hairy Koos, will probably do some more of those.... painting that sort of fur seems to suit my style.

  4. P.s my all time favourites are your highland cows. I do love your new direction in that last painting you've shown.

  5. Gefeliciteerd met je een jarig bestaan en de schilderijen zijn stuk voor stuk prachtig ieder op zijn eigen manier lieve groetjes Danielle

    1. Thank you Danielle I have tried to show a variety here which have all meant something to me, so good to hear you like them!!

  6. Enjoyed reading this marathon post Judith, it is great to see the pieces you chose to include as they certainly capture the progression and competency of your style this past 12 months. It is fabulous how your retirement has opened this new door for you and you have grasped it with such enthusiasm and joy. those attending your classes are very lucky. Best wishes for continued success

    1. Thanks Lorraine.. I hope they do think they are lucky but really I am the lucky one being able to do this, would never have believed it a couple of years ago!!

  7. wishing you a HAPPY 1ST blog anniversary are so full of enthusiasm Judith ... HAPPY EASTER !

    1. I think enthusiasm is so important Jane so delighted it comes across!!! I think that's what has got me all the repeat bookings at my workshops and is the feedback I get!!

  8. Judith, was so nice to see you on Friday and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Your work is beautiful. I particularly like your work with flowers. My mum used to be a keen water colourer (if that's the phrase) but has got out of the habbit as life has got in the way. I am really eager to show her your blog to see if it re-ignites her passion. Have a wonderful Easter. Jo x

    1. Aw thanks would be wonderful if she picked up her brushes again, it is such a lovely thing to do!! Tell her I run a group in Heaton where she would be made very welcome if she would like to start again. We only have 2 more sessions and then have a break until September, we run every other Thursday from 1.30 til 3.30 at the Church Hall behind Christ Church Heaton and the next session is 11th April. Happy Easter to you too!!

  9. Well done, Judith! Here's to many more "firsts" and successes too - you deserve it!

    1. Thank you really is all so exciting, I never know what's going to happen next and am quite happy to let things evolve naturally!!

  10. Dear Judith, it is very nice to feel your enthusiasm for painting and life, through your blog.
    Alsofor me the blog was and is a great source of personal fulfillment.The shift from 'painter for myself "a person who paints to show off and also to sell her own work" happened, right around November 2012.
    Another miracle was to find a painter highly respected and highly rated in the world of painting that makes me as a mentor, giving a more professional dynamic to the way I act. I can understand every word of what you explained in your post and I share the joy of knowing that this happens, it makes you happy and makes me happy when I read!
    Ad maiora, dear Judith! Happy Blog-birthday!Hugs,Rita.

    1. What a wonderful comment Rita...I do think it is only other people striving to paint who can really understand how we feel. It is so good to hear you have some professional help, to have someone like that will make so much difference to you... onwards and upwards!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary, Judith, and congratulations!
    Your blog has been very helpful and inspiring.
    Your blog has always been a great way to spend time over a cuppa or 2, and your stories of making it in a tough economical environment as a professional artist have been very interesting.
    Keep up the super blogging, Judith, and congrats again.

    From one of your Aussie fans,

    1. Thank you Mike you are so supportive and I really appreciate your kind words!!! As you know I love sharing what I know, I just want everyone to have a glimpse of how I feel about painting and as you will have seen and read, can bore for England on the subject!!! Thank goodness everyone reading it is as potty about painting as me!!

  12. Well Judith...HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! loved that word!!!..I am so happy for your achievments .especially in the past year!!! I always knew you would get "there"... I remember laughing with you about where " there" was??..........well I think you are "there"........ for the moment anyway!!.
    your joy and enthusiasm for all you do is infectious........and your generosity in sharing is really admirable!! ( mind you I have always found that the "artists" I have come across are such a generous sharing type of people!!) I love your blog too (and you know how much I have always admired your art!!) and I wish your watercolour journey continues with the same excitement and enthusiasm you have always had!!
    WELL DONE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Aw Val, thank you so much.... I love to hear from you as you were there in the earlier days when as you say we had no idea where we were heading but always kept trying!!! The joy and enthusiasm never leaves me thank goodness and the beauty of all this is that if nothing more happens, it really doesn't matter as I can still paint and do my workshops and I will be more than happy with that... anything else is a huge bonus!!

  13. Happy Birthday to your blog Judith! This has been an exciting year for you. Your paintings just get more lovely.

  14. Some lovely paintings here Judith. I'm so busy what with my blog and grandchildren etc I don't get time to look at interesting blogs like yours as much as I'd like but will certainly visit again.

    1. Thanks Peter... so much to do, so little time!! I know what you mean but am delighted you have found me and hope you will enjoy some more!!


Would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit my blog, why not leave me a message then I know you've popped by!! If you have any enquiries please send me an e-mail to