
Thursday, 28 March 2013

A Little Nude Therapy!!

I have done a few nudes recently as I have run two workshops where we used the same image Joanne had brought to her final Brusho workshop, she brought a selection of images and as I have done this one now a few times and both groups wanted a go at it when they saw my version, this is the one we did.

Just 3 colours used for this, ub, translucent orange and burnt sienna. The groups needed to do a bit of drawing first so we ran through a few pointers for where to place things, head size, where to put the feet, how the angle of her side means her waist is under her head etc etc. The image shows hands but am not keen on drawing those so left them out!!! And then I did a bit of painting to show them how I approached it... quite a lot of dry brush, fairly strong paint to start with,  then some edges softened, some kept harder. Everyone had a really good go and a lot of the students did the best I have seen from them in the whole time I have been tutoring... so we were all really pleased!!!

While on the subject of nudes I've had another image I have been wanting to do for a while, but not been sure how to tackle it... I really love nudes, painted, charcoal, pencil... doesn't matter what medium but wanted to try this one in watercolour....I wanted to create an atmospheric piece with a lot of light but wasn't sure quite how to do it, so started yesterday and was really close to abandoning but today decided to have a go at finishing it off and am quite pleased with the result...leaving it overnight gave me a renewed enthusiasm for it and allowed me to see it through new eyes, it wasn't good but the break away from it helped me see where I needed to adjust it. This one has taught me a huge amount..... I am delighted to have finished it and got what I think,  if not a masterpiece, is an acceptable painting which has achieved what I set out to do!!!


  1. both paintings are great Judith but the second one is superb!! I absolutely love it

  2. Thanks Sharon.... really appreciate your comments, have been painting quite a lot recently so should be tacking some of the more difficult paintings now!!

  3. Like you, I love nudes and the challenge they pose for the artist! You have done a lovely job on both versions, and today I think I prefer the lower one because of the light it conveys, but tomorrow it could just as easily be the upper nude!

    1. I agree Elise, the second has far more atmosphere and emotion.... the first is more more straight forward as was much easier to do!!

  4. Lovely delicate figures Judith! Look forward to seeing more of these!

    1. Hope to do more Sue but not easy finding reference material for nudes... my have to start doing from memory and winging it!!!

  5. I thought the first one was lovely and then scrolled down and saw the second one, which is wonderful. There is expression, atmosphere and form and only a very limited palette. Good job you went back to it. Luv' it.

  6. Thank you Polly... yes it was a good job!! Just makes you wonder how many you could actually rescue when you think they are disasters as I really thought I had lost his one!!

  7. You have a great apptitude for painting nudes Judith. The rescue thing I think has come about as we have progressed as I too can most times (I say that with fingers crossed) do a rescue but some weeks back just discarded them forever. Progress comes with all the hours put in so well worth it

    1. I agree about the rescue thing is down to experience and sometimes we just need to know how to finish something, often only the slightest of touches can be all that is needed... you are right, all those painting hours are paying off!!!

  8. Both nudes are really great, love the movement and perfection of the body in the first one, and the elegance and dreamy mood in the second one ! Wish you a Happy Easter . xx

    1. Thank you Jane.... I do like painting nudes and I think when you enjoy something it shows in the end result!!


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