
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

From little acorns, do Oak trees grow? I HOPE SO!!

I have been to yet another delightful group this afternoon in Garstang, held at the Garstang Arts Centre and am thrilled to say everyone seemed to enjoy and got something out of the session.  I never know just what the standard will be and whether the group will engage with the way I paint and have to say this group seemed full of enthusiasm and happy to embrace what I was trying to show them.

These are the sort of studies I do at the loosening up workshop which is what I did at Garstang today, not easy when you have never applied the paint like this but the whole groups managed really well!!

Anyway the reason for writing this particuar blog is that I have some news to share which has made me just a teeny bit excited!!! Yes again!!

As the session was closing and I was packing away all my stuff, a lady who had not attended approached me and introduced herself as having just taken over the running of the centre and would I be interested in putting some paintings into an exhibition for a month at the end of the year? Would I be interested????? Hell yes!!! Anyway this would also be a "solo" exhibition, a first for me and held in the Arts Centre which is a centre dedicated to running classes and holding exhibitions.

I am really delighted about this....serendipity.... I just seemed to be in the right place at the right time, they had a slot which they wanted to fill and I just happened to turn up today, and thankfully one of the art group organisers recommended me having thought I did a fabulous session (her words, not mine!!) and also having seen some of my work which I took along. As I did the big exhibition last year I do have a lot of paintings ready and waiting to go, though I will most certainly be adding a few more to the collection before next November. There is room for between 30 and 40 paintings so will be a really good show of my work, I will be selling cards and there will also be some mounted only pieces there.

As for the title of this blog... since I retired, last May, I have been invited to run workshops in the area and have been invited back everywhere, people are seeing and hopefully enjoying my work and getting a taste for how I go about things.... I will have run 10 sessions in January and although things are quieter for the rest of the year, things are growing and happening with little advertising on my part.

However,  I woud just like to mention how very grateful I am to one or two people (they know who they are) for offering me encouragement and feedback with my work, for recommending me to other groups, for giving me opportunities to run all day workshops (more details to be announced soon) and for generally supporting my efforts in these early stages of trying to make something of my love of art. So from a very modest start when my own group asked would I do a session for them just over 12 months ago, I am now travelling to groups all over, I am selling a few pieces and being invited to exhibit too....... happy days..... if this is what retirement is all about, having planted the acorns, bring on the tree!!


  1. Judith, what a fantastic, uplifting post! I'm so happy for you.

  2. Thanks you so much Maggie, you can tell I'm a little bit excited but guess what, if nothing more were to happen I am still so happy just to be painting... win win for me!!

  3. Congratulation Judith and I know you'll do well.

    1. Thanks Karen... hope so, it's a good venue and they usually sell well from there, fingers crossed!!

  4. Judith I love to read your blog updates and am so happy that things are moving in the right direction for you, from what I hear and see it is all very well deserved. Your enthusiasm shines through

    1. Thanks's not hard when you just love what you're doing as you well know!! Big thanks to you for your help!!

  5. Many congrats Judith. Garstang is not far from where I live so was pleased to see this. It must be lovely to have this kind of success and it's richly deserved. Long may it - and your enthusiasm - continue. Enjoy. (from Viv Adams, pmp)

    1. Thanks Viv, maybe you will be able to come and see the exhibition, it's for a month from the middle of November.

  6. Well done Judith.....I was always sure that you'd go down well. We at "WAG" look forward to seeing you soon (if you're ever free again!!)
    take care

    1. Will most certainly be free to come to WAG Dave and thank you again for the recommendation!!

  7. A fantastic start for 2013, plenty of notice for your solo exhibition so happy painting

    1. Yes plenty of notice... I hope to get some new work together for it as well so will start working on some ideas soon.

  8. Awesome news, Judith. You're picking up real momentum now, and helping many art enthusiasts along the way. Soon you'll be demonstrating Oz(and I'll be there) and then perhaps exhibiting overseas also. your acorn will thrive.

    1. Well I was a bit pleased about it Mike to say the least, am taking baby steps but who knows what may happen in the future, and to do demos overseas would be fab!! But will just keep doing what I'm doing for the time being, learning ad improving as I go along!!

  9. Fabulous news all round Judith. Really pleased for you.

    1. Thanks Laura...all little steps but things do keep happening and I am just going with the flow!!

  10. Dear Judith, working hard, new things happen!
    And you've worked hard!
    I'm happy for you, and I look forward the news!
    A big hug and congratulations! Rita.

  11. Thank you so much Rita... the thing is it just doesn't seem like work!!! It just seems like I am having fun and indulging myself both when I paint and when I run workshops!!

  12. Judith, glad to be a member of your wonderful blog! I found it unexpected for me and was very happy. So great news about your forthcoming exhibition! My congratulations!!! Your watercolour style is great, I wrote it on ID&P before. And you are very laborious person. Excellent new works. Your interested reader, Elena

    1. How lovely to see you her Elena, hope you are well!! Hope you will enjoy following... will pop over to ID&P and check out your page.

  13. Very exciting news, Judith - so pleased for you. Sounds like a fantastic opportunity.

    1. Thank you Dawn, at this stage it is a really good opportunity, I haven't approached any galleries yet about showing my work.... not really sure how to go about that, so an exhibition like this is an excellent way to get some work out there in the public domain!!!

  14. Heel mooi en fijntjes en sappig zo als een peer hoort te zijn lieve groetjes Daniëlle

    1. Am so pleased you like the pear Danielle, it always goes down well in the workshops and helps show the techniques of mixing paint on the paper.

  15. I like your blog and your story. Congratulations on your upcoming solo exhibition. Your paintings are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Ross, have also visited your blog and am now following.

    2. Thanks Judith for your visit to my blog and for liking my dog painting. It was one that painted itself almost. You were bang on with your observation. I only wish that were true of all of them but alas it is not to be. Some struggle to come into the world and resist all attempts at making that happen. But it is lovely when it does unfold with ease. A treat to enjoy when it occurs. I did find your painting of your sisters dog, Jaz and was moved by her story. So sorry she is no longer with you but there is your beautiful painting of her! Nicely done Judith.

  16. Wow, wow, wow. What a start to 2013. Congratulations Judith :-)

    1. What a good start indeed Carmen.. am delighted... just don't know what's going to happen next, so thrilling!!

  17. Hello Judith:) This is so nice for you!! Congratulations. Enjoy all this and there will be more to come! Your paintings are beautiful and the second is def loose! Take care:)

    1. Lovely to hear from you Renate, your comments are always so encouraging! I do intend to enjoy and go with the flow!! Thank you!!

  18. that's great news judith ! so pleased for you .

  19. It is good news Jane and I am really thrilled, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time so intend to make the most of it!!


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