
Thursday, 10 January 2013

For Watercolour Lovers Everywhere

I thought this might be an interesting painting to post... it is a painting I did quite a while ago and while looking through some art work this morning it struck me how watercolour can be vibrant, dramatic and as rich in colour and tone as any other medium

This actually is a direct copy from an oil painting which one of my tutors thought I would like as he knew I enjoyed colour and while it is not something I would exhibit or try to sell I just thought it would really show just what an amazing medium watercolour is and for anyone who thinks they cannot get deep rich colour... think again!!! Someone also asked me how I managed to keep the blues and yellow separate even thought they were next to one another and that is partly due to the fact I used raw sienna which has an amaing property of repelling other colours... try it out, add raw sienna to a blue mix and you will see the raw sienna will "take over" and push the blue away... magic!!


  1. I love the colours in this - as you say so vibrant and dramatic. One of the things I love about watercolour is the range you can get from soft and delicate to really oomphy colours.

  2. A beautiful painting and interesting about the raw Sienna....I've made a note of that one !

    1. Check out your other colours too Brenda..... my aizarin crimson also does it when I add it to another colour.

  3. I'm not afraid of colour but have never painted anything that vibrant, I love it! I believe that most colours put in second will repel the colour already there, another good one is cad yellow. Will be trying a similar one sometime.

    1. Thy will repel Polly if they have more water in them... forming a cauliflower didn't know about cad yellow, will have to test all my colours!! Will look forward to seeing a really bright vibrant one from you then!!

  4. Oh this is beautiful, I'm not a fan of "wishy washy" watercolours which is why I think I love your stuff so much. That's a great tip for a beginner like me as well :-)

    1. Am not a wishy washy fan either, delighted you like Carmen, why not have a go just slapping some colour on the page and see what happens!!

  5. Beautiful Judith and yes watercolour is so versatile and wonderful. Thanks for showing one of it's many facets.

    1. Thanks Laura.... not sure why anyone needs anything else are you? Course we might be just a teeny bit biased!!

    2. Now what on earth gives you that impression! lol

  6. Magic - I love the fact that watercolours are so vibrant - I used to think that I was doing something wrong when my paintings turned out so bold and so bright, so it is wonderful to know I am not alone! Thanks for your comments on my blog - I posted a reply there for you!

    1. Thanks Dawn no not just you then!! I don't mix with much water in my palette... tend to apply he paint quite "neat" then add the water to the paper and that seems to be how my technique is developing.... Judi Whitton works in exactly the same way... the first person I've seen who picks the paint up like I do. Jean uses a mix of diluted paint and neater and of course always uses lots of water whichever way she applies it.... she also builds layers and layers whereas Judi tends to paint in one application. Only seen her once in a workshop I did but always interesting to see how other people work.

  7. This is so beautiful. All those colors. Just looking at it makes me happy:) Working with it is even more beautiful:):)

  8. Why wouldn't you sell this? Its a beautiful painting. i'll bet you'd get millions!

  9. who is the original oil painting by? very beautiful painting, i love the colours


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