
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Who Remembers the Cow?

Well finally got back to do this gorgeous little fellow. You may remember from my previous


about it,  I was having all sorts of problems trying to get the drawing right which then led the blog down the route of drawing and more dilemmas!!!

Well here are my first efforts without drawing

and as you can see I didn't "get it" though there are bits that I like about them, mainly the loose feel but I don't think they capture the essence of the pose, which is for me what makes the photo, so here is the go with a bit of drawing. I did use the same colour scheme as I quite liked that, sketches are all about learning for when you come to do the "proper" painting.

Anyway here is the next sketch.....

Still haven't quite got the angle of the nose but better. This is quite small 11x7 as I have been trying out some smaller pieces for the exhibition and looking at this I think I may strengthen the bg and some areas on the head a bit....... just looks  bit "wishy washy."

Having said that I might have another go altogether without drawing to recapture the spontaneity now I have a better idea of the drawing. What we don't necessarily recognise when we watch people like Hazel Soan and Jean Haines who often paint without drawing is that they have often done that subject many times before and therefore get to know how to paint it. Check out this quick DVD on elephants from Hazel

The first time I tried this my elephants were all over the place, all out of proportion but once I had done it a few times, it all went better

Not brilliant but much better once I had learned where to place everything and tons better than my first efforts!!


  1. Thank you for sharing your 'adventures' with watercolour Judith, I'm always learning something :)
    Our friend (after 2 posts I think I can call her a friend, hehe), the cow, turned out VERY beautiful!!
    Warm regards.

  2. Thanks Konstantina (btw are you also called Tina?)yes the cow does seem like a friend, so cute!!! Am delighted to hear you learn things from my blog.... one of the best things when I do my workshops is to hear people have learned things...

  3. Oh Judith I do admire your determination with this no predrawing lark - I've tried it a few times but not with animals or people, I really need the comfort of pencil lines for those so well done to you, very impressed!

  4. Don't forget why I don't draw Sharon..... laziness and impatience nothing to do with "for the good of my art!!!" I have seen lots of artists who draw... Herry Arifin and Alvaro Castagnet and you can't get much looser than them, they just let the paint flow outside the lines rather than staying within the confines of them. So nothing wrong with a bit of drawing, in this I did stay within the lines which is why it looks a bit stiff, but all knowledge for next time, should have let some of the colours bleed in places.


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