
Monday, 27 August 2012

Cockerels and more Cockerels!!!

Have done these today as I am getting ready for an exhibition in Chorley the last week in September... have had some great advice recently... one is that cockerels sell and two go smaller in the current climate so that I can offer paintings at reasonable prices. So these are 11x7 approx, one eighth imperial. Of the two I prefer the first, it somehow looks more spontaneous and unusually that was the second one I did so maybe the practice with the first paid off!!! Often the first is the best attempt so am pleased that trend is reversing as it means I am learning from my previous mistakes!!

So I intend to do a few more smaller pieces which I will mount and possibly frame, maybe a couple more cockerels with different colours....... a different approach as one of my recent goals had been to go bigger!!!


  1. Will try my best to come and see the exhibition Judith - how exciting! Your cockerels are gorgeous - lovely and vibrant - I can't decide which I like best they're both great!

  2. Aw thanks Sharon, it will be quite a distance for you but my week is 25th September to 29th (Tuesday to Saturday) check out the link

    Looks good and will be better to show for a longer period of time. We seem to have a good area to display so need to make sure I have enough work to show.... scary!!!

  3. simply wonderful, such vibrant colours and movement in your work. x

  4. Thank you so much Clare and welcome to my blog..... am delighted you like my cockerels and hope you enjoy reading some of the other posts....

  5. Just visiting for the first time Judith but loving your blog and paintings....stunning!
    The cockerels are fantastic...I love the colours.
    I especially like the first one looking like he's strutting his stuff with his tail ;D
    Good Luck with the must be so thrilled. :D

  6. Thanks you so much Nessie, and welcome to my blog, have checked you blog out too and am following!!

  7. I love these watercolors. They are soft and strong at the same time!

  8. Thank you so much Ilse and welcome to my blog!! You also seem to have a lot going on in blog world and congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!!!

  9. Good move doing different sizes, gives a choice of 'product' to sell. I have been doing 8 x 10 for some time now as the postage is cheaper and easier! For online selling anyway.

    1. I don't now why it's only just hit me!! I have been working on going bigger, trying to work up to full imperial 20x25 is the biggest I've done so far but it is so expensive to get anything like that framed so need to sell a few before I can take that step!!!

  10. I love them both Judith, they are alive!! The colours are beautiful and the cockerels are in motion!
    And an exhibition... Very exciting! So happy for you :)
    (Thank you so much Judith, for your wishes to George's fb. You're a sweet person.)
    Warm regards.

    1. Thanks Konstantina....yes the exhibition is in Chorley so am looking forward to it and trying to get one or two smaller pieces done to not only offer variety of work but to fill up the space!!!

      As to George..... what an achievement... anyone who has a PhD deserves recognition, I was offered the possibility of one but couldn't face all the extra work and wanted to start earning some money....anyway, Doctor Judith doesn't have the same sort of ring to it a Dr George lol !!!

  11. I love your work! It's got a lovely free flowing feel to it. Blessings!

  12. Thanks Arnoldo for your comments and welcome to my blog!!! Am delighted to hear you like my paintings, am not sure watercolour is terribly fashionable these days but I just love them and the effects you can get.


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