
Saturday, 18 August 2012

Arose from my Mind

I did this on and off while I was waiting for another to dry. I often paint roses from seeing Jean's blog about them and it was the first image we did in the loose group...... they are not as difficult as they may seem if you follow Jean's instruction and I have been working on them ever since.

This is quite large 20"x25" as I am still on the trail to paint bigger and this is smaller than full imp (22"x30") though larger than half. Have used Alizarin crimson, pthalo turquoise, cadmuim yellow (I don't use this much but am liking it on here).

I did this without reference and it started out just as a play to see if I could fill the paper!!! Am still working on the painting I was doing at the same time.... that doesn't seem to be co-operating like this one did.... it's a flamingo and am having difficulty seeing how to finish it... watch his space!!!


  1. Look at those roses!! Beautiful Judith!! And the cad.yellow compliments very well the rest of the colors. Well done!
    Warm regards.

    1. Another one which just sort of happened...... can live very happily with paintings which paint themselves!!! Thanks Konstantina, the cad yellow does seem to work and have used it in another couple of pieces recently. You need to be careful with it as it is opaque and can therefore spoil the translucency most of us are looking for in our watercolours but can create a really nice colourful mix.

  2. Thanks Teresa am always looking for things to "pop" so delighted you think this does.... I do like painting roses now I've got the hang of them and will carry on practising them too... will also be a good thing to do with my group when we start back in October.

  3. Beautiful job on the roses and I love the drizzles!!

    1. I love drizzly bits too Rhonda.... have been working on those as well, looks easy enough but when you come to do them often turns into a bit of a muddy mess... timing is crucial and am finding splashing the paint on then spraying and letting it drip is the best way.... also sometimes adding some paint with a rigger to follow and darken some of the channels of colour helps (tip from Jean Haines)but generally not messing with the brush and leaving the paint to mix itself on the paper.

  4. Wonderful roses, what colours, transparent textures. Congratulations

    1. Thanks Eva... check out my reply to Rhonda for how to do the drizzly bits and how to keep them lively and transparent rather than turning them muddy.

  5. Really nice Judith, Glad you have got the technique for doing the rose blooms, for me it alludes me when I over try but if kept simple they read the best.I like your colours in this too

    1. Thanks Lorraine... am only just getting to grips with flowers and as you are such a good flower painter, I really appreciate your comments.... simple am sure is the key and am trying to get ways of suggesting different flowers with the minimum detail a sort of blue print and technique for how to do them like with the roses.... have done the clematis, think I could manage a daisy and the sea holly so building them up nicely!!

  6. These roses are beautiful! I've tried painting roses after reading Jean's blog about them but it's harder than she makes it look! Thanks for the tip about making the runs not turn muddy, must try that next time.

    1. Thanks Margaret..... believe me Jean makes everything look easy..... have been lucky enough to see her demonstrate twice and have also been to a full day workshop.... awesome and she is so lovely too. Left you a note on "mud" on fb. Am going to do a worshop soon on mud as I know it is a problem for a lot of people and very easy to avoid!!!

  7. Gorgeous Judith and I'm impressed with the size of them! Got to tell you this - I was round at my mums and she was on her applemac and was telling me about this artist's work she'd seen that she thought I would like - and guess what - it was yours!!! It was your flower painting you did the step by step for! Hee hee - so you have yet another big fan in my mum!

    1. Aw thanks Sharon and Sharo n's Mum!! How cool is that? Where has she seen my stuff Sharon? And what's your Mum's name? Tell her thank you... I need all the fans I can get!!!!

    2. She saw it here on your blog - but she didn't find your blog through mine - I'm not sure how she came across it but yes pretty cool!

    3. Well however she found it tell her a big thank you from me and if she remembers where, let me know as I would be interested to hear where the traffic comes from!!

  8. Beautiful loose rendering of the roses Judith. You are mastering this technique!

    1. Thanks Karen..... it does seem to be getting easier I must admit... still lots for the bin though, how about you?


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