
Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Rolo the Labradoodle

Am really kicking myself with this as I think I am a bit pleased with this one and wish I'd done a step by step...... I didn't even think about it when I started and I had decided I was going to do step by steps for everything now!!! Just forgot in my eagerness to get painting as I haven't done anything for a few days now and today was my first opportunity.

This is Gwen Card's gorgeous dog, Rolo, you may remember I have painted him before and he was my first watercolour sale as Gwen loved it and I sent it to her in Canada!!!

Here is the link to the painting

Its interesting to see how my style seems to have changed over the months since I did the first one..... I think I appear to have got a bit more "sophisticated!!! Not sure if that's a good thing or not but I do like how this has turned out... no drawing on this by the way..... less difficult than it might seem, once you have positioned the nose and eyes the rest is easy and to do that, I just measure with my fingers how far apart everything is then just make an odd mark. Painting loose like this means you don't have such defined edges anyway and all I'm trying to do is get a feel for him rather than a photographic image, so I hope Gwen likes and feels I have captured the "essence" of him!!


  1. Well I was reading your last post and thinking about what a watercolor of guys with red wigs and glasses would look like and bam this beautiful watercolor appears! You should be pleased! what personality, great colors and style! There is a sense of movement too like he has just turned his head. Great job.

    1. Be patient Dan the guys may be next!!! Yes I am pleased with this but it is the dog which does it for me....I have a lot of animal paintings I want to do, maybe I should get on with them!!

  2. Dear Judith, I don't know whether the painting was 'less difficult' than it appears or not, but you have every right to be very pleased with it! Wonderful use of colors and beautiful eyes!!
    Warm regards.

    1. Thanks Konstantina you always leave such lovely comments, as I said to Dan I am pleased, just wish there was a step by step as well!!

  3. This is really wonderful Judith - very good expression in the eyes and mouth and lovely use of colour. You can be really proud of this!!!
    Barbara Mitton

    1. Thank you Barbara.... progress before my eyes!! I do like it and think it is one I will frame and maybe put in the next exhibition I'm doing

  4. I like the colours to design the little dog. The expression of the eyes is real, bright. I like this painting very much. Well ilike very much your blog. Cngratulations.

    1. Thank you Eva, the photo was a really good one so easy when you have such a super image. I do tend to use different colours to what I see but as long as the tone and form is good the rest can be what you want it to be!!!

  5. Judith this is simply the BEST, love it

    1. Thanks Lorraine must admit I really did enjoy this one... some seem to work right from the start....I kept looking at it thinking it was coming along well and also thinking now don't mess it up!!! So am really pleased everyone likes it......

  6. Oh Judith this is just wonderful - and I think the best I've ever seen from you - and you know how much I love your art!! Gutted you didn't do a step by step though lol!!! Congratulations on a superb painting xx

    1. Am gutted too Sharon would have been a good one to do as it all went well and would have been really useful for me to be able to show people how I did it..... must remember to keep snapping next time!! Thanks for the lovely comment.... am very pleased with it too!!!

  7. Fabulous work Judith. You've surpassed yourself by miles with this one.

    1. Thanks Laura think I may do some more animals now.

  8. Wow, Judith, he's fabulous! Love your positive and negative areas.

  9. Forgot to ask if you painted this on hot press paper. ...?

    1. Thanks Sherry this is on rough 140lb 15x11 Bockingford.... I rarely use hot pressed in fact probably never. I don't like the way the paint behaves on it, I can't get it to mix properly on the paper so avoid it like the plague!!

  10. As mentioned elsewhere, Judith, this is excellent. Really love how you have created Rolo. Here's to many, many more stunning paintings!

    1. Fingers crossed Dawn..... some just seem to paint themselves and that was the case with this one.... might concentrate on some animals as some of them do seem to turn out well!!

  11. He is just gorgeous and looks such a character which really comes through in your painting. I love the extreme close-up one of his nose too - am not surprised it sold :D

    I so need to get out to my room and do some painting - what with kids being off and plumbers coming and going to fix an ongoing leak... it feels like an age! So can understand your eagerness and getting so absorbed you forgot the step-by-step ;)

    1. Thanks Carmen, he looks a lovely dog doesn't he? Hope you can get back into the way of painting soon, difficult when you have younger children, I certainly didn't have much chance to paint when mine were younger especially in the holidays.... your time will come!!!

  12. You should definitely do more animals Judith - you do have a way with them, all the animals I remember from you have been superb - Zacky, the chicken with attitude - and remember that superb horse's eye? And that bull you did from Bix's photo I still love to bits!! get on to it!!!!!

    1. Ok.... nuff said!!!Thanks Sharon, I will get some more animals done.......maybe they are my forte, am still finding my way with lots of subjects, and still learning from them. Took this to my art group last night and they all liked and we decided on a cream mount and frame so that's the next job!!!

  13. This is wonderful! Love the colours you've used and I love his expression, you've captured so much character, it's great!

    1. Thanks Margaret, he's such a lovely dog and I just love labradoodles they are so comical and cute!!!

  14. Wow...when did you do him?How come I missed him! He is gorgeous....But just checked the date and see that I am not too far out. Wonderful...Keep going! Bx

    1. Thanks B really loved this one and seems popular. Am doing an exhibition in September so this will be the main event!!

  15. I stopped off at the cockerel and left a comment...but I was on my way here to see Rolo.
    I really don't know how you do this...he's fantastic. You say it's easy ~ BAH!!! Maybe for talented artists like yourself but I've tried so many times to draw my pooch, but I'm too tight and restricted. I really would love to be loose like this...steep learning curve I think! :$
    Wonderful work Judith :D

  16. Wow thanks again Neesie, oops sorry called you Nessie last time!!! I have been trying to paint like this for a good few years so guess it doesn't happen overnight, it is a steep learning curve and I've used more paper trying to paint like this than in the whole of the rest of the time I've been painting!! The other thing is long haired dogs like this are easier to do than short haired ones... what's sort is your dog? I did one of my sister's boxer and that is much tighter......


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