
Saturday, 7 July 2012

WIP's.... Painting "en plein air"

2 WIP's.........sketches done "en plein air" today.... I know can hardly believe the weather has been suitable to actually sit and paint outside!!!! The first is a sad, weather beaten poppy which I don't  know whether I will actually be trying again but somehow there is something appealing and interesting about it and watercolour can often make the ugliest subject come to life.....

As you can see it isn't a pretty sight but there is another behind peeking through so all is not lost!!!

And this is my WIP. Not sure anyone would know it was a poor poppy but again I am quite liking the loose feel about this..... is the penny finally dropping I wonder?

I then looked at some Antirrhinums we have planted which thankfully seem to be ignoring the forces of the rain.... in the words of Pete Kay they seem to be the marines of the flower world just as hob nobs are to biscuits and sadly the poppies are the rich tea version which seem to shrivel, lie down and die at the slightest sign of adversity!!!

Am really seeing things I like in this and feeling like this has a lot of promise for a proper painting... this is only 7x11 and on the back of another but when I say a WIP am thinking I will leave it as any more might tip it over the edge!!! Will just use what I've learned from it work on something bigger.


  1. 2 lovely studies and sooo good to get outside and not get wet isn't it - we've been out to our local animal park and got some great photos - completely spoilt for choice with what to paint from them! I really would love to see you paint and learn from you, there is a wonderful softness to your art which I love

  2. Aw thanks Sharon, such a lovely thing to say, maybe we could have a painting session when you come to Ken Bromleys?

  3. lovely skeches judy ..hope the weather improves .

  4. Looks like we're having a couple of better days..... not much time to paint outside though.. sods Law!!! Thanks for the massage Jane


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