
Thursday, 5 July 2012

Flowers, flowers and more flowers!!!

This is a clematis from my garden which I painted at Bolton Art Circle tonight. I took this photo a couple of weeks ago as the flower is so lovely and it's the first year it has bloomed like this and we got so excited about it!!! Take a look....

I didn't really have the right pink shades with me, have got 3 of those big palettes from Ken Bromley's which Jean Haines introduced me to and I took the wrong 2!!!! Anyway despite that. I like how this one has developed, I like the loose feel to it and will be working on some more like this.

I seem to be drawn to flowers at the moment, maybe it's because the garden is decimated by all the tropical rain we are having in the Northwest and I am longing to see some of the flowers we have planted in the last couple of years blossom.

These two are vaguely based on images from Paint my Photo. I have chosen a poppy for one of our July images in the loose group as we have 3 large clumps of poppies which were looking so promising.  Again the rain keeps destroying them, as soon as any come in to bloom, before I get out with the camera the rain gets them and they are ruined!!! But poppies were on my mind so these are my goes. The first is in I guess what you might call "my style" and the second is based loosely on a hint of a poppy in Jean Haines new Book, Atmospheric Watercolours. I think the second might need  bit more definition but again am liking the direction its going in and also quite liking the first..... now that is an improvement, me actually liking some of the things I am doing!!!

Have been having a bit of a lean spell...... doing plenty of painting but lots for the bin and not much to show so am pleased to see these coming to life on the paper!!! I don't need motivation to paint at the best (or worst!!) of times and when things start turning out I need even less and I get more excited and obsessed about it all..... hardly seems possible but just makes me want to paint more!!


  1. Funny how the rain brings on the flowers and then destroys the more delicate ones. I like the second poppy, Judith. Lovely work.

  2. Thanks Brian, the rain is driving us mad at the moment. The poppy is my favourite flower especially those really vibrant red one and we had such a promising show of buds, there must have been about 30 in just one clump!!! And now...... barely any left... so annoying!!!

  3. Rain, rain... oh my gosh! Today it was shiny, for most of the day at least, and it was a good break. But now I think I can smell the rain gathers around, again.
    Lovely work Judith. I love the first one, the colors!!

  4. Don't talk to me about rain!!!! I honestly don't think I've known a year like it for it - even as I type this it's pouring down outside - all 3 flowers are scrumptious, love them all but the clematis especially is divine.

  5. Thanks Konstantina looks like we're in for another deluge today as well!!! Ah well just means more time for painting!!!!

  6. Really pleased you like Sharon, I rather like the clematis too..... we were delighted when we saw this one flower as it is so lovely and not like a of other clematis.... got a lot more about it and really is a fantastic mix of colour.

  7. Love these Judith, I am really trying to get into photographing flowers but do struggle with it, so I can imagine painting them is even harder, Sharon asks me to take more flower pics, think I'll have to give it more of a go if it ever stops raining!!

  8. Thanks Gary, I really know nothing about photography so no help there then!!!I do love a lot of your other photos so am sure if you put your mind to it they will be equally good!!!

  9. Judith, They are all very lovely, my favorite is the first, very masterly done.

  10. Great technique Judith. The top one is definitely a 'you' and so the one I like the most. xx

  11. Lovely Judith, as always! Wish we had Clematis here, but I guess it's too hot for them. Loving your blog which I'm just getting into.

  12. Am pleased you like the top one Karen, that is without reference to anyone's work so must be mine I guess!!!

  13. Thanks Laura.... guess I may be finding my way with a I said To Karen am really delighted that people like this one as it is all me!!!!

  14. Thanks Sherry, popped in to your blog too which am now following... we have another clematis but nowhere near as pretty.... good luck with the ice cream shop!!!

  15. Judith - I would love to hear which colours you have in each of your "3 of those big palettes" - can you keep it in mind for a future blog post? Another question - I am interested to hear how you see your "new style" as compared to your "old style"!

  16. Thanks Dawn.... will either do a blog on the colours in my palette or mention them in another blog, as for the style am not sure what it is yet difficult to see your own style..... think I will do a blog on that too!!

  17. Do you offer online classes? If so, where would I look for them on your blog?


    1. No I haven't any online classes yet but it is part of my plan to start something like that.


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