
Sunday, 8 April 2012

An Unspoken Kindness

This is another if Ruth Archer's photos, there is something about her work which I find very appealing, a lot of her subjects strike a chord with me. By the way the title is hers.... doesn't a title make a difference to a piece of work? Am trying to come up with inventive titles but this is so fitting for the image, I could never have come up with anything better... thank you Ruth.

This isn't the actual finished painting, I did a bit more work on the eye after Susan Hall made some observations and it did improve it, but as my younger son, the one who has just moved out, actually likes this he has commandeered it for his new home..... am really quite surprised as he is very definite in what he likes and has gone for an ultra modern loft like feel in his house so quite shocked this fits in with his theme!!  Suffice to say  I didn't take a photo of the revised version and don't want to get the flashback now it is framed.....

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