
Monday, 9 April 2012

The Dear Departed!!

Both these drawings presented challenges not least of which was the subjects were dead!!! As a  consequence both photos were terrible and while I could fiddle with the dog,  which was a mobile phone download and rather blurred, I thought I was going to have to give up on Granddad.

It was a gift from their granddaughter to his wife and the photo had been taken in the seventies. It was very small and I couldn't see any detail,  particularly in the eyes, when I scanned it and tried to blow it up. Fortunately my brother in law has a programme which enhances images as long as he has the original photo and he got it to a good enough quality for me to do the portrait.... technology eh!!!!

In the end I quite like this one as it captured the essence of him and more importantly the family were delighted. Will post another posthumous drawing soon!!!

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