
Friday, 18 May 2018

Brusho Preparation

I am in the throes of preparing for an All Day Brusho Workshop to be held next week on the 23rd May. I know some people may think preparing for these workshops is a doddle but if you want to produce new work and teach it satisfactorily there is a lot of preparation behind the scenes not to mention the time spent with the admin work involved in the organisation in the first place!!

On the flip side it is a privilege to be able to do this for a living and while it may be time consuming preparing for days like this, the time I spend is fun and enjoyable so not like work at all...

The workshop is Brusho figures and I remember attending a session about 6 year ago run by Joanne Boon Thomas...check her out here Joanne Boon Thomas and she taught me a lot of what I know about Brusho and has done a lot to promote Brusho around the world.

What I have learned about Brusho since that day is how important choice of colour is when deciding on a palette for any particular painting. I find the complementary colours don't mix well producing quite dirty colours and muddying much more so than watercolour so limited palettes are even more important with Brusho. I also prefer to retain the texture and stop the mixing process early doors by carefully dabbing the mixes while still wet and preserving the attractive separation of pigments.

These are the paintings I have done so far, just 3 colours in each

I haven't finished my practice pieces yet maybe another couple to do then maybe an odd one without the line effect, but would be very interested to see which of these you prefer so far....


  1. I like the third one the best as the colours bring the figure to life

  2. I like the posture of the first figure.

  3. Este es un mensaje muy importante para compartir con todos los que necesitan un préstamo de un prestamista genuino. Estoy feliz de compartir esta nota con todos después de lo que mi esposa y yo pasamos en manos de unos patéticos matones que decían ofrecer algún tipo de préstamo. Es muy difícil conseguir un prestamista genuino y gracias al prestamista Best Loan que me ayudó con el préstamo, comuníquese con ellos si necesita un préstamo y regrese para agradecerme más tarde. Te prometo que no te decepcionarán. Correo electrónico de contacto: - ( Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339) Gracias.
    Obtendrá libertad financiera después de ponerse en contacto con esta empresa de préstamos e inversiones que ayudó a personas de todo el mundo.
    Nazgul William.


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