
Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Wishy Washy Watercolour... I Don't Think So!!

As a painter there are almost too many subjects to paint and then I find I can't make a decision as to what to paint next as I have too many "pending!" I also have two things to consider when choosing images, first is it something I would like to paint and second is it a subject which will make a good workshop. I have been chatting with a fellow teacher at my art group tonight and he has been practicing a painting he is going to deliver in his next workshop. We got to talking about how we are always choosing subjects which we think will be good to teach and which students will get good results from and how painting for ourselves gets put on the back burner.

I tend to use my art group to paint for myself so tonight I went along with an image I have been wanting to paint for a week or two. I visited Arnside Art group earlier this month and as I was travelling home along the windy lane towards the A6, I came to a junction where a pheasant was standing right in front of me. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera to hand and there was a car directly behind me so I didn't get to capture the moment but it did make me feel like painting a pheasant and seeing what I could make of the fantastic colours. I searched PMP for images and printed off a few and ended up painting this one taken by Dave Webb. I liked the angle and the vivid colours,

 And here is the finished painting....I actually did two during the session but liked this one better and may try the other image again another time. I think this shows that the finished result in watercolour doesn't need to be wishy washy and can have rich vibrant colour,...just why I love it so much!!

I broke a few of my rules of not using too many colours in a painting (those who follow my blog will know I rarely use more than 5 and at most 6 colours in a painting) and I have absolutely no idea why either, so a longer list than usual for this one

SAA Quin Gold (gorgeous colour not like W&N Quin gold, a different colour but absolutely beautiful!!)
Lemon Yellow
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Purple
Cad Red
Touch of Indigo
Touch of Pthalo Turq
Burnt Sienna
Touch or Permanent Rose... phew think that was it!!

1 comment:

  1. They always make me think of whiskey :P I love that you kept the background white - makes it such a striking image.


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