
Saturday, 30 April 2016

Brushoing Up!!

I actually did 3 paintings yesterday and wasn't happy with any, yet today another 3 and I like them all. Now whether that is simply due to more practice or subject matter I have yet to discover... I have a feeling it is actually the subject matter and also having an idea as to how to approach something.

The first painting was an elephant (by ESP from Paint my Photo) which I have painted in watercolour many moons ago. As I am preparing for an animal workshop in May I am working on different types of animal and most people like elephants and it was a good image to choose as not too much drawing and not too difficult to draw either.

Working very loosely, I splattered the Brusho then sprayed, splattered a bit more then used the bleach to bring back some highlights. It actually bleached too much and I thought I had ruined it at this stage however once dry I went back in, splattered and sprayed a bit more and this is the result, 22x15 Bockingford extra rough 140lb.

Next I decided to try a hedgehog, photo by Max Hemingway from PMP. This has been on my to do list in watercolour for a while and it suddenly struck me it would make a great Brusho painting. I used colours which were fairly realistic, I also used masking fluid though not sure if it worked very well as I did use bleach afterwards.....

15x11 Bockingford extra rough 140lb

The final piece is one I have been wanting to do for over 2 years. A photo I took myself while we were on a family holiday to Anglesey. We were out walking when we came across these two standing on the hillside below the gorse.... I am not too convinced about my watercolour landscapes so again as I am working on an animal theme though it would be good to try this one in Brusho instead... the texture is so much easier to achieve than in watercolour... it just happens right before your eyes!! 22x15 Bockingford extra rough 140lb.

I will work on a few more before the workshop, as I have a one or two more images to tackle, Obviously there is a lot of preparation for workshops especially if it is one you haven't run before, many hours in fact, but I do hesitate to call it work as it is just a pleasure to do it!! Nevertheless it is time spent behind the scenes enabling me to run a good workshop which people will enjoy, learn from and hopefully gain some tools and skills to take home and practice with.....


  1. I particularly like the hedgehog Judith.

    1. He is rather cute isn't he? He was very much a trial and error painting as the masking didn't work as I had in came the marines with the bleach lol !!!

  2. Hello you love your blogs just enjoyed a read I absolutely love the hedgehog and the elephant especially the hedgehog I think its the more subtle colours that get me every time. They are similar to our echidna's I think but bigger. Im going to have a go at the elephant myself but probably in watercolour - coward aren't I - good luck with the upcoming workshops I know you will make if fun and educational at the same time - life is too short not to enjoy the journey these days not just the destination I think. Keep up the inspirational work Im loving seeing what you do I love it when people branch out and try (successfully) new techniques gives me wings to try to emulate what you do - so keep at this WORK you do lol - enjoy :)

    1. Thank you so much Leona... I think it is people like you who keep me encouraged as well, there is something very heartwarming knowing there are people out there who appreciate what you do and may even learn something from you. Couldn't agree more about the journey...once I "got" that the end results didn't seem to matter as much and I could simply enjoy the process for the sake of it. The journey might take lots of twists,turns and backward steps too but it's all about savouring the sights along the way. The destination is always changing anyway....what we may once have been happy with we no longer are so I actually never want to get there wherever there is....if that makes sense!!

  3. Dear Judith your three paintings are gorgeous. Brusho must be more vivid than watercolors. These just vibrate with luscious color. Thank you for sharing. Also appreciated that you took time to visit me last week. Hugs!

    1. 'Twas a pleasure Debbie, I loved your painting!! Delighted you like the Brusho!

  4. Am finally catching up on my blog reading. I adore these Judith. The lady in the shop at school tried to get me to buy Brusho but I did not have a clue what to do when I saw it was in powder form. I let her tempt me with some of the sprays which I love.

    These are gorgeous, if you ever do hedgehog as a print or postcard/card will you let me know? I'd definitely buy one.

    1. Thanks so much Carmen... and how are you doing? You have given me an idea for the card....I hadn't thought of doing the hedgehog but I will do now as there have been a few positive remarks about it and I agree it would make a nice card!!


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