
Monday, 12 October 2015

New Directions

Inspired by seeing Ann Blockley at Patchings 2 years ago I went mad and bought a rather large selection of acrylic inks.. having seen how Ann used them I just "had" to have some... some girls need shoes......I need art materials (as well as shoes!!)

However having had all good intentions in the world I have barely used them until now... but..... having seen Ann again at Patchings again this year, bought her book and seen snippets of the DVD I decided it might be a new direction for me especially for landscapes. I have been working on buildings and features inn the landscape recently and much happier with those but straight landscapes are still testing me!! I took quite a lot of photos on our trip to Basel during the Summer and have quite a few in my "pending file" and this was such a pretty scene I decided to have a go

I'm not sure I would have attempted this with pure watercolour but felt it was something I could use the acrylic inks with mixed with watercolour. I am quite pleased with this first attempt though I'm not sure it is finished as I feel it needs some more variety of line in it but I am going to sit on it and maybe get some feedback... would be interested to hear what any of you think.....


  1. This is beautifully evocative and bravely executed; I love the way you 'have a go' at new things. It certainly deserves a frame!

  2. The inks and watercolours blend beautifully together in this painting with the inks probably giving the lovely deep tones. It could be finished at this point, but then you may have a different vision for the painting. Always worth reassessing, as there is no going back with watercolour!

  3. you are so adventurous with new mediums you are lucky in the UK to have a lot of clever people reasonably close by sadly we convicts are missing out on that lol love this it looks so shiny, smooth and slippery sort of medium with intense colours Ive not heard of acrylic inks before good job

  4. Thanks for leaving your lovely comments everyone....not sure it's brave, but felt compelled!! I have had a go at another image which again I wouldn't have attempted in watercolour,but not so happy with that one so need to keep trying!!

  5. It's fascinating! Amazing! You chose such a great palette of colors. I don't know if there any lines needed. I'd advice you to leave it for some days somewhere you won't see it and after look once more and you'll know if you need to add something or not. Good luck to you!


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