
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Should be Good!!

So have I done enough? Practice that is!!

I have been doing a few studies of more fur and feathered babies over the last couple of days so that no matter which I decide or am asked to demonstrate I will happily be able to deliver!!

I always do this for my workshops and as this is the first animal theme I have done and the subject matter is so vast I felt I needed to cover a few more subjects than I might normally, so I have done cockerels, owls, flamingos, dogs, cats,hares, squirrels, robins and a nuthatch....all subjects I have painted before but not taught.

I do like sketches but ran out of space for the cat on this one... didn't plan that very well as his right ear is composed of the squirrel's nose and his chin is the nuthatch's bottom!! Made me realise that part of the beauty of sketch pages is the composition and where to place everything, not bull in a China shop and hope for the best!!! Ooops!!

Thought I would show the cat separately as a few at my at group last night really liked it.

All of these have been done with no predrawing so straight in with the paint and I am getting better at it!! Yippeeee!!  I won't be expecting the students to do this, my main reason is that I can't wait to paint so I don't want to spend my time drawing, but part of achieving a decent painting is a good drawing in the first place and so I help the students get the drawing on the paper  before they paint, if they aren't confident enough to have a go like this.

May do a few more practices yet....I have to say that though it might seem I spend a lot of time "working" on things, it isn't really "work", it's pure joy and pleasure and planning a workshop like this gives me focus and subject matter I might not normally paint. I have to admit I do like painting animals and when I've done a few like this it reminds me how much!! Might have to decide to do a landscape workshop then I would have to crack that subject matter once and for all, now that's an idea!!


  1. Judith- I love how you practice. Enjoying the the feeling of being able to finish it with my own eye. Makes it so interesting. Good luck with your workshop. It looks like it will be a good one.

  2. Thanks Debbie, am hoping it will be a good, I haven't run this one before so I like to do the practice so that I can deliver the content standing on my head and concentrate on the teaching and sharing, then hopefully people will get the best out of it....

  3. These are beautiful, Judith! I can see why your workshop students love them!!!

  4. I love all the different birds. I especially love the cat's eyes. The cat has a strong personality.


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