
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Another landscape... well sort of!!

I am trying hard to develop a formula for buildings in the landscape which I am hoping will help me en plein colour ideas, ways of painting trees, paths, stone walls, fields etc etc...

This is the second time I have tried this painting, I did it portrait last time but decided landscape might work better. This is a painting of Rivington Church a couple of miles away from where I live, a beautiful old church at the heart of the tiny village.

Nestled on the edge of the Pennines, Rivington Country Park is home to 7 reservoirs which historically supplied water to Liverpool (still does) as it was deemed such good water and suitable to go on board ship for the long journeys across the Atlantic. The area was owned by Liverpool Water (now taken over by United Utilities) and strangely in Rivington, there is a ruin of a castle which was built on the edge of  one of the reservoirs as a replica of the ruin of Liverpool castle!!

We often walk around the area with little Grandpup and I am sure you could walk a different walk 365 days of the year with the paths and areas to explore. I suppose we are a little complacent living so close to this area of natural beauty (with a few reservoirs and castles thrown in) having grown up with it, but every so often I take a step back and think how amazing this area is!! Lord Lever certainly thought so as, having travelled all over the world, decided to build his bungalow and grounds in the theme of a Japanese residence and garden overlooking the whole area... sadly now a ruin too!!!

Anyway here is the painting, colours used

Lemon yellow
Windsor Violet
Rose Madder
Quin Gold

Looking at this on here I think perhaps it isn't finished but as I tend to overwork landscapes with too many darks I will leave it for a few days......I don't think this is the last time I will do this as although it is better than the first attempt I think I can still improve it!! In the meantime I have a few other photos of the area waiting to be painted so will move on to those and come back to this in the next few months.

1 comment:

  1. Ik vind het prachtig er zit zoveel diepte in en die mooie kleurnuance lieve groetjes Danielle


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