
Saturday, 4 January 2014

Image for my Next Workshop. Day4

Well am not sure I will be able to carry on with full sized paintings for the challenges and think I am going to have to scale down for some but this is another 15x11. Done as an example for my next workshop (I actually have 2 more which I have done in different palettes to try and illustrate how colour can completely change the mood of a painting and how it can be very effective in portraying warm and cool scenes... cool in this case. As I mentioned in a previous blog I also like to give the group choices so that they can make some of the decisions for themselves and not simply do a carbon copy of what I'm doing. I try and give them principles to work from like, for example using limited palettes, but leave the choices to them.

Colours for this were UB, Burnt Umber, Permanent Rose and Burnt Sienna... I wanted to do a really chilly scene this time so although Burnt Sienna can bring warmth to a painting, teamed with the other colours seems to have kept a very icy feel which is what I was looking for.

Did a quick sketch... seems like I have been doing more sketching recently not by choice I can assure you but especially when I am doing something for my group, I don't necessarily paint as loosely as I might like as I have to do something which everyone can have a stab at... so I practice as I'm going to deliver!!

Started the painting by doing a loose sky using all 4 colours just dropping them in and letting them mix. Before that was completely dry (and the shine had gone off the paper) I dropped some more colour into the right hand side to represent some foliage in the bg. Once the sky was dry I worked on the trees to the left and the mucky snow in the foreground, then moving on to the house using a blue and brown mix dropped in wet in wet. Finally I moved on to the trees to the right, creating more distinct trunks and branches. The last workshop we did was on Winter Trees and as the image has both conifer and deciduous trees am hoping that the practice we had last time will help the group when we come to do the trees in this one!!

Leslie's Challenge


  1. This looks like a really good exercise and using different colours can be very stimulating. You have put a lot of thought into what you are doing for your group.

    1. Thanks Polly... I do try and give them something they can take away from each session... it is quite hard finding different things to do each time without becoming repetitive and without forcing my style on them which I am very aware of and don't want to do which is why I concentrate a lot on techniques so they can apply them in their own way.

  2. I smiled reading your comments about your "long journey" with watercolor. Watercolors terrify me! They are wonderful, though - and I think this one definitely loves you back! The sky is terrific, and I particularly love the way you represented the snow at the of the road.

    1. Why thank you Ann!! I always do a good practice of what I'm going to demonstrate... I never saw anyone demonstrate until I went on a painting holiday in 2006... as I am a visual learner I had been deprived of how to improve my painting for many years!! That is why I always try and show all the groups I visit how to do something rather than just tell them, seeing is believing!!

  3. I really like the cool colors and cold mood of this painting. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks you Tammy...that was the intent of this one so looks like it has succeeded!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you're working hard judith ...a lovely winter scene .... wishing you a happy and creative new year !

    1. And the same to you Jane... yes I am working hard... just not sure I can actually call it work? Playing hard may be a better description!!

  6. Visual learners are so lucky these days because they can find all kinds of free youtube videos on painting. Which reminds me, I need to do that. Wonderful painting and it does look so cold!

    1. I only discovered the world of youtube etc for painting 5 or 6 years ago when my son's girlfriend suggested I look up how to paint trees... what a whole new world opened up to me!! Have never looked back!! Thanks for the lovely comment Cindy.

  7. every morning I look at my ipad to see blog posts that have happened overnight and cannot believe how many snow scenes there are. Feels weird as we are in Summer here. You have a lovely scene with yours Judith and beautifully painted.

    1. Thanks Lorraine they are the only landscapes I can really manage at the moment although I am really going to try and rectify that this year... am going to do some plein air hopefully with Joanne, am gong to master them!!


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