
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day 22, 23 and 24

Hmm.... caught up a touch this morning.. decided to go around my art room painting bits and pieces... no drawing just painting and for the first two just two colours (and a hint of raw sienna in the brushes) burnt sienna and UB. The brushes are not ones I normally use and are just stuck in a pot on my window sill and the small drawers  are where I keep my paints....a drawer for every option of colour and a few spares!! You know me!! Might carry on with this theme for the rest of the challenge as they are quicker than full paintings and am not sure what time I will have this week....

The final one today, is one I started yesterday and am quite pleased with how it has turned out..... when I came back to it today somehow I had a much better of how to continue....the light was fading yesterday and I didn't know where to go with it but today it has sort of told me where to go... don't you just love it when that happens? Each year I try and do a few primrose and snowdrop paintings and this is the first primrose this year... I like it better than my efforts last year... here they are if you're interested. Jean Haines posted a step by step on her blog which I loosely followed but am hoping you can see some improvement as I think I can!! Different palette to the previous ones and I think I prefer the brighter colours

Lemon Yellow
Winsor Voilet
Translucent orange and touch of Cad yellow

Leslie's Blog


  1. Three lovely paintings. Nice to see your personal items and so well painted too. You have picked some interesting subjects, not many to go

  2. The first two are a nice use of a limited pallet. Love the looseness in the third piece. I need more practice doing flowers loosely.


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