
Saturday, 7 December 2013

Painting for Christmas

I have been to Bruges (more about that in another blog) for a few days so my painting time has again been limited and I have been getting severe withdrawal symptoms!! We didn't have enough time for me to do any painting on our trip especially as we were with family so am hoping to have a go at some of the photos I took and develop my ability to paint buildings etc!!

In the meantime I have been doing an odd commission but have finished all for xmas now and so settled to devote some time to painting this afternoon. We did some xmas cards at my group at our last meeting and next time we are doing "Winter Trees" so I wanted to get a bit of practice done and in between did this poinsettia which someone wanted to do for her xmas card so I already had the reference... should have bought a plant today but completely forgot when I was at Tesco this morning.

I am still going to be busy before xmas but am hoping to get back into my routine of painting several times a week, which I really haven't been managing at all recently. I have quite a few seasonal type images I want to have a go at,  and this is the first

Started with the centre then did some petals washing some away (am always striving to achieve a loose watercolour feel),  adding some of the green gold and UB  and a touch more red in the bg as I went along. It's always quite difficult at this stage as the painting needs to dry thoroughly before you can carry on working it but it is at this stage I also get very impatient to see it start developing, hence the need for other pieces to be working on at the same time. The next stage involves both negative and positive painting working around the piece always trying to be mindful of both overworking and not going back in to any areas which aren't dry... sure-fire way to get mud especially when working with complimentary colours like these. Carried on building up here and there, added a few splashes and drips and think I am nearly there with it..... will need to have a look again in daylight as I think I may need a touch more definition on the petals but on the whole feeling quite happy!!

Colours Used

Green Gold
Winsor Red

Ref photo from Barbara Tester on PMP


  1. You should be happy with it, it's a lovely painting. I always like to hear about people's progress. It's hard to find time to paint at this time of year, you are doing well to fit so much in. (Did you buy some chocolate in Bruges I wonder).

  2. Yes we did buy chocolate Polly, it didn't even get back to the hotel as we ate it in the street!! Delicious.... just sorry I didn't bring some back but that would have gone by now as well!! Did bring some pate back which we tried on one of the xmas stalls... also delicious in fact the whole time has been spent eating and drinking or thinking about eating and drinking!!!

  3. A lovely watercolor. Nice and soft and quite dreamy looking.

    1. Thanks Jean haven't had chance to do any more to it but will be subtle if I do back in!!

  4. Judith this is going to be stunning...I love the composition and the complimentary background. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are getting ready for Christmas and it is wonderful for you.

    1. Thanks Debbie wish you a wonderful time too!! I am thinking of doing a bit more to it,,, think it needs few more darks here and there... now just where here and there might be, that is the question!!!

  5. Just found you via Joanne's fb. Love your paintings as well as hers...waiting on my brusho paints to arrive...are you teaching as well as Joanne? Art is my passion and I think Brusho might come in at the top!!! Cheers, Dottie

    1. Hi Dottie... yes I teach as well though still lots to learn and Joanne is really supportive and has helped me a lot. You will love the Brusho paints..... have you got the DVD? It is fantastic and well worth the purchase!! Thanks for the lovely comments, really appreciate them!!

  6. Hi thanks for posting thiss


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