
Saturday, 2 November 2013

Musical Drama

I have been wanting to paint this photo for a while. I find some photos really inspire me but then I don't always know what to do with them!! And this was very much in that category. It is from a photo taken by Franklin from PMP and I have had it on my to do list for just over a year... here is the original image

As you will know we have been puppy sitting and I haven't had much chance to paint... not that I'm complaining.... puppy cuddles are up there with painting!! But I have been feeling a few withdrawal symptoms and urges (I know unusual in  woman of my age!!!) so today I have had chance to spend some time on this. I did have a false attempt a couple of weeks ago which did point me in the right direction for painting it so those failures are never lost and in this case most definitely learned from.

I did draw this as the perspective is tricky and I knew that if I didn't get it right by rushing in with a shoddy drawing the whole painting would be lost before I had even started so I took a bit of time getting it to look reasonable and then started with the cello wet in wet reserving highlights as I went along. I rarely use masking fluid (the exception being the xmas cards whch I spattered with masking before painting) and occasionally use white gouache to restore any highlights I may have lost.

I then did the hair and when all dry started to build up the bg which in total had 2 and in some places 3 layers. Bit more building up on the cello, the face, hands etc and a final splattering and touch of gouache.

Colours used

Alizarin Crimson
Quin Gold
Raw Sienna
Burnt Siena

I used the indigo to add some of the final darks as UB doesn't always give me the tone I am looking for and I added some quin gold in a bit of a wash as I felt the cello needed lifting a touch.

 I may try this again though I am fairly happy with how it has turned out. I wanted to capture the light but also a sense of movement which I think I have partly succeeded in, but maybe could have managed more, I may play around with the composition of the bg for a future effort maybe trying a more diagonal format, this is where a quick thumbnail would come in.... keep promising myself I will start to do them and then the brushes take over and before I know it have started and have to finish!!


  1. It is an explosion of sound and image as you look at it nicely rendered hugs Danielle

    1. Thank you so much Danielle.. your words describe what I was hoping to achieve!!

  2. Nice result Judith, worth holding the inspiration until the time was right

    1. Thanks Lorraine have to admit it was my second go.... the first wasn't too good but gave me the clue as to how to proceed!!

  3. Very ambitious painting that photo, Judith. Well done. You've capture the energy of it beautifully.

    1. Thanks Vandy.... I think it was more ambitious than I realised which is why I needed a practice go!! I do think I will paint this again maybe not in the near future but in a while to see how a bit more experience will influence how I approach it next time.

  4. That was quite a challenge you set yourself. Your perspective is spot on and I think the lively background helps to give it that feeling of movement.

    1. Am delighted you see the perspective as good Jean... I did the drawing freehand but did pay a lot of attention to that very aspect as the foreshortening of the cello is very important and helps bring the instrument right into the foreground. I may do the bg differently if I painted it again... not sure if I would try to convey more or less movement... a feeling of drama is what I wanted in this one so hopefully it works in that respect!!

  5. A great subject, painting with passion, with the color that seems to also sing ... in addition to making music!
    Congratulations on your watercolor, always so brilliant! I love your painting "thoughts / words" where somehow I find a bit myself ... Have nice days,hugs,Rita.

    1. Your comment makes me smile Rita.... I am so happy you find something of yourself in my writings, that delights me even more than you liking my paintings!! Makes me feel it is worth writing!!

  6. Judith - very lovely painting. The colors you chose are so very pretty. Looks like you captured the essential essence of this photo without being a slave to it. Your creative genius really shines through. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Wow creative genius!! Thank you Debbie from the bottom of my heart... art is so much in the eye of the beholder so am thrilled you behold mine as you do!!

  7. that's a wonderful photo isn't it and I love what you've done with it - also on my to do list to along with many many others lol - whether I'll ever get round to doing it is another question! There's quite a few great photos of musical instruments I've got saved, will you do some more? You should!

    1. It is a wonderful photo Sharon... just speaks to you!! i also have some instruments and musicians saved so yes I will do more definitely but no photos as inspiring as this one yet!!


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