
Thursday, 5 September 2013

Xmas Cards and day 5 of the 30 day challenge

Have started planning my 2014 cards and finished this little number yesterday... have got several more on the go so hope they all turn out. This will be also be day 5 of the challenge!!

Taken from a photo on PMP by Paul Sherman.

I have probably 7 unfinished paintings at the moment so sure hope I get some finished tomorrow as I have a busy weekend ahead and may not get chance to do much painting until Monday... fingers crossed!!

30 Day Challenge


  1. That's going to make a beautiful card Judith. My women's club wants me to design Christmas cards for them to sell (I did it last year... so now it's like expected). I'm planning some elves and maybe a Santa.

    1. I kept to a theme last year and thought I would do the same this year.... just do different animals, so Elves and Santas will work well as they are in the same category. Look forward to seeing them!!

  2. This is absolutely lovely. I so love the light you have on his tail.

    1. Thanks Polly have done another squirrel this afternoon in an effort to get ahead of myself, not sure I like it as much as this but a different view. I like the light too!!

  3. The light on his tail is perfect! What a great idea - incorporate the 30 day challenge with your holiday cards :)

    1. Thanks Rhonda... done a camel today... might need a rethink on it but also have another squirrel up my sleeve and a first go at some lion cubs so little by little am getting there.... think I will need about 5 paintings and I will also print some of last years as well and they sold out!!

  4. This is adorable! I love the way you were able to highlight the tail as well.

  5. love both of your squirrel paintings judith ... good luck with your 30 paintings look and sound very busy.


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