
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day 17

My blog today adds day 17 to  Leslie's challenge... I have done one or two more 6x4's and a couple more monochrome paintings today so keeping up nicely now...

I painted this one a while ago inspired by another of Gary Jones' fab photos... the link will take you to a combined website of both his photos and Sharon Whitley's wonderful paintings. I loved the serenity of this and was really pleased with my full colour version which you will see here, where you will also see a painting of a Rhino done at the same time.

My group at Heaton, Bolton starts up again on Thursday and so I am beavering away getting the lesson prepared... we are doing monchrome paintings to look at tonal value. I find as I visit various groups people have a fear of using rich dark tones... well not in my group!!! We will be looking at how we don't need colour to create a painting, it isn't colour which makes a painting sing, it is shape and tone which defines things for us and colour when used well is the icing on the cake!! We will also be looking at counterchange and how to use tone to create a focal point or area of interest by creating an area of greatest tonal contrast, and anything else I think about along the way!!

So I have painted the swans in burnt umber... just a quick sketch but shows how colour is not as important as tone and looking at this here I can see it could stand some darker areas on the necks but will leave alone for now.


  1. Cette aquarelle est vraiment très poétique...
    Félicitations :)

  2. It's been lovely catching up on your challenges. And aren't you doing well! Your cat is a purrfect. I agree with you about people being worried about darks, your guiding them to use stronger tones will really help them.


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