
Friday, 13 September 2013

Day 10,11,12 and 13.... Phew!!!

Well am hoping these count as some are what I have started and have been finishing off!!

I've come to realise that a painting a day isn't always possible for me......although I am a fast painter, I do have my disasters and I also have quite a few on the go at the same time so I have had a one or two which  I have been finishing off today. I know lots of people say they need to be in "the Zone" for a particular painting but I find I can flit about from one to another, completely different subjects and the break away often helps me to see what needs doing next, but I also often leave them overnight or for a day or two if I'm not sure where to go with them, which is why I have a few to show today but nothing much earlier i the week.  Anyway here are a few I have been working on.
Here is a little Brusho painting which I did while waiting for another to dry, again with Brusho I often leave them to see what needs doing but am thinking I will leave this one alone and try a mount on it.

This is one I have had on the go for a while, I've added a few more touches today but am still not sure it is finished, I've tried a bit of creative cropping on it so I think I will live with a bit longer untilI decide if it is worth saving or only fit for the bin!!
Another little floral which was done to get my painting a day completed, might add a few more darks to this yet.
Finally something I have been working on for a while... this was one of my practice pieces for a commission........... playing with the colour and trying to get a feel for the cat so this isn't actually the finished piece (which I have completed today so although I can't show it here, I have done it honest!!!) but gives you a flavour of the sort of thing I have been aiming for.

Painting a day Challenge


  1. I love the cat! It's eyes are full of spirit... With few strokes you have totally captured the personality of it...

    1. Thank you Arena... just realised I have forgotten his whiskers... have added them to the actual commission thank goodness!!

  2. I know what you mean - I certainly have not managed a face a day - so on the days I have time I try to squeeze in two. Am still a few days behind though.

    Loving all these but especially the kitty and the top one (is that teasel?) Just love the colours you've used and the expression in the cat's eyes. So knowing.

  3. Beautiful works, very sweety and lightness!!

  4. All are very good but particularly LOVE the second one and the cat - the greens are superb in the 2nd and the eyes and colours of the cat fab!!

  5. Congratulations Judith :) What a great honour and a great achievement :)

  6. What about some blues behind the white flowers in the second one (day 11?), just in the top half initially. I love the poppies, labelled day 12. Can't understand the 'Comment as' list so you may never see this! Bernice


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